
Inspired by mxgmn/MarkovJunior

Primary LanguageTypeScript



As seen on https://github.com/mxgmn/MarkovJunior

> yarn add markjovjr


> npm install markovjr
> yarn add markovjr



The generate function applies the rule set to the grid

import { generate } from 'marjovjr'

function generate(model: Model): Model


Grids must be Cubes of Cuboids:

  • All string lengths must be equal
  • All array lengths across the Z-dimension must be equal
interface Model {
  type: '2d' | '3d'
  grid: string[] | Array<string[]>
  rules: Rule[]
  log?: { frequency: number }

Passing log: { frequency } will print out the current representation of the grid every Nth application of a rule.

Rules and Sequences

These are expressed {FROM PATTERN}={TO PATTERN} #[COUNT]

COUNT is optional Examples sequences:

  • WBB=WAW Will convert WBB to WAW
  • WBB=WAW #5 Will convert WBB to WAW a maximum for 5 times
  • BWB/BBB=WWW/WWW Will scan for BWB/BBB where BBB is on the row below BWB
  • BWB BBB=WWW WWW Will scan for BWB BBB where BBB is on the row one 'deeper' than BWB

Rules can contain one or more sequences. Sequences are expressed as arrays.

  • * is a wildcard
    • In a FROM pattern, it will match any character
    • In TO pattern, it will leave the character unchanged
  • Any character that isn't a Color is treated as transparent
  • FROM and TO patterns must be equal in length and
  • Step characters (/) must occur in the same position in FROM and TO patterns
type Rule = string | string[]
type Color = 'B' | 'I' | 'P' | 'E' | 'N' | 'D' | 'A' | 'W' | 'R' | 'O' | 'Y' | 'G' | 'U' | 'S' | 'K' | 'F'

const model: Model2D = {
  type: '2d',
  // Grids are strings of Colors
  rules: ['WBB=WAW', ['A=W', 'B=R']],

Utility Functions

type Coord2D = [number, number]
type Coord3D = [number, number, number]
  • grid2D({ size: Coord2D, start: Coord2D, char?: string })
    • Generate black 2D grids with a single W character at the start coordinate
  • grid3D({ size: Coord3D, start: Coord3D, char?: string })
    • Generate black 3D grids with a single W character at the start coordinate
