
Express middleware generator for validating requests

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Express middleware generator for validating requests

Written in TypeScript


> yarn add valid-body
# or:
> npm i valid-body


Each property

valid-body is validate your request.body or request.query objects. If they fail validation, they will call next with an error so your error middleware can catch it.

// create-user.ts
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'
import * as valid from 'valid-body'

interface Body {
  name: string
  age: number
  status: 'enabled' | 'disabled'
  description?: string
  meta: {
    favouriteAnimal?: string

const validator = valid.create({
  name: valid.isString,
  age: valid.isNumber,
  status: valid.wrap(valid.isString, { allowed: ['enabled', 'disabled'] }),
  description: valid.wrap(valid.isString, { optional: true }),
  meta: {
    favouriteAnimal: valid.wrap(valid.isString, { optional: true })

const handler: RequestHandler = async (req, res, next) => {
  const body: Body = req.body

// user.ts
import { Router } from 'express'
import * as create from './create'

export { router as default }

const router = Router()
router.post('/create', create.validator, create.handler)




query?: boolean The middleware will use request.body by default. Setting query to true will use req.query instead.

strict?: boolean: If true, properties not defined in the validator will be removed from the validated object.

type ValueValidator<TValue = unknown> = (value: TValue) => undefined

type Validator = { [key: string]: ValueValidator | Validator }

interface CreateOptions {
  query?: boolean
  strict?: boolean

function create(validator: Validator, opts?: CreateOptions): RequestHandler


Attempts to validate the request body against an array of validators. Returns the first success or calls next() with an error.

function first(validators: Validator[], opts?: CreateOptions)): RequestHandler


interface StringOptions {
  minLength?: number
  maxLength?: number
  optional?: boolean

  // Evaluates the validations against the .trim()-ed string
  trim?: boolean

  // Whitelist of allowed values
  allowed?: string[]

function(value: any, options?: StringOptions): string | undefined


interface NumberOptions {
  min?: number
  max?: number
  optional?: boolean

function(value: any, options?: NumberOptions): number | undefined


interface BooleanOptions {
  optional?: boolean

  /** If the value is a string of 'true' or 'false', cast it to a boolean */
  parse?: boolean

function(value: any, options?: BooleanOptions): boolean | undefined


interface TimestampOptions {
  optional?: boolean

function(value: any, options?: TimestampOptions): number | undefined


interface ArrayOptions<T = any> {
  optional?: boolean

  /** Ensure that every element in the array is a specific type */
  validator?: Validator | ValueValidator<T>

function isArray(value: any, opts: ArrayOptions = {}): Array | undefined


interface EmailOptions {
  optional?: boolean

function isEmail(value: any, opts: EmailOptions = {}): string | undefined