
Simple tools for using PHP noweb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is this

This repo contains several helpful tools for using noweb literate programming with PHP. At present there are two components:

  • A node.js tool that watches specified noweb files and performs tangle on them ("compiling" them into usable code) when they are saved.
  • A slight alteration to noweb.php by Henri Bergius to allow it to run in < PHP 5.3 (only tested in 5.2)
  • A language bundle file for TextMate on the Macintosh that will syntax highlight PHP code in TextMate.
  • A language plugin file for Gedit.


A port of noweb.php from Henri Bergius so that it will work in PHP 5.2. This is a somewhat ugly hack/patch which relies on overuse of static to get around PHP5.2's limitations regarding closures (specifically allowing functions to close over the current object). Under the lGPL license per original copyright/licensing.


TextMate language syntax so that PHP blocks will be appropriately highlighted.


gedit language plugin so that PHP blocks will be appropriately highlighted.



Requires noweb.php and node.js


Install noweb.php, add it to your path (e.g. ln -s noweb.php /usr/local/bin/noweb.php).
Install node.js.


Pass the filenames to watch as arguments:

node noweb_watch.js filename ...


  • Add Eclipse syntax colouring plugin
  • Loads more stuff to do for the watcher