Seiton 整頓

Seiton is part of the 5S, a Japanese workplace organization method. Seiton means determining where and when items are needed, and placing them in a way that promotes efficient work flow. A worker should not have to hunt for necessary tools, or walk to another area to access often-used items.

Seiton 📺 is a project management tool that allows for seamless, real-time collaboration through customizable kanban boards. Sign up in seconds via Google, invite your co-workers to your boards, and start collaborating in real-time as you wade through the chaotic fast-paced world of modern project cycles!



Deployed Site | Full Presentation

Tech Stack

We built our fullstack application with Next.js, utilizing React and Redux Tool Kit to manage client state and UI, and TailwindCSS for our custom styles. For our database, we used Prisma for our ORM, and Pusher API to synchronize websockets with Next.js's serverless functions. Both our PostgresQL database, as well as our bundled build, is hosted on Heroku.

  • Next JS
  • Prisma
  • Postgres
  • TailwindCSS
  • React
  • Redux
  • Heroku
