The module is imported using:
from mcmc_inversion import MarkovChainMonteCarlo
An MCMC object must then be instantiated in your code:
mcmc_inversion = MarkovChainMonteCarlo(data, g, weights, n_corrs, prior_low, prior_high)
data = A numpy vector of your observations, "d" vector as described by Brenguier et al. (2014)
g = A 2D numpy array, the "G" matrix of your problem, as described by Brenguier et al. (2014)
weights = A numpy vector of data weights, equal to 1/variances of your data vector.
n_corrs = An integer, the number of correlation functions you used. The dv time series will have the same number of points.
prior_low = A float, the lower bound of your prior expectation for the dv values
prior_high = A float, the upper bound of your prior expectation for the dv values
To begin the MCMC chain, run the following:
distribution, likelihood = mcmc_inversion.do_mcmc(iterations, perturb)
iterations = An integer, and is the number of iterations to run the chain for. This value must be divisible by 100.
perturb = A float, and is the initial size of the model perturbation. This value will be continuously updated by the MCMC code every 100 iterations.
The MCMC algorithm returns three outputs:
distribution = A 2D numpy array of the posterior distribution. Your dv models are stored in the columns of this array.
likelihood = A numpy vector containing the likelihood of each model in the posterior distribution. length(likelihood) = number of columns in distribution
If you use the MCMC code, or a small part of it, please cite the following publications:
Taylor, G. and Hillers, G. Under review. Estimating temporal changes in seismic velocity using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. Geophys. J. Int.
You can also directly cite the code, which is archived on Zenodo:
George Taylor (2019), georgetaylor3152/mcmc-dvv: First release of mcmc-dvv, , doi:10.5281/zenodo.3516603.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details