
Team Members: 1 Ruchita Iyer 2 Sejal Desai

Test Devices: All iPhone Models

1 Introduction

• Purpose

The Giveaway App is designed with the primary objective of simplifying and enhancing the entire process of organizing and managing giveaways for its users. In today's digital age, giveaways have become a popular means of engaging audiences, promoting products, and fostering a sense of community. The app serves as a comprehensive platform, offering a range of features to both organizers and participants.

• IN Scope

  1. User Registration and Authentication: o Users can create accounts within the app. o Authentication methods include email verification and social media login.
  2. Giveaway Creation and Management: o Organizers can create and manage giveaways. o Customizable details include prizes, duration, eligibility criteria, and entry rules.
  3. Giveaway Participation: o Participants easily discover and join giveaways. o Support for various participation methods like social media sharing and referrals.
  4. User Dashboard: o Personalized dashboards for users. o Track participation history, upcoming giveaways, and winning opportunities.
  5. Reporting and Analytics: o Basic analytics for organizers. o Insights into user engagement and popular giveaways.
  6. Performance and Security: o Prioritization of performance for a smooth user experience. o Security measures, including secure authentication and encryption.
  7. Accessibility: o Adherence to iOS accessibility guidelines. o Inclusivity for users with disabilities.

• Out Of Scope :

  1. Android Development: o The app is designed exclusively for iOS, and developing an Android version is out of scope.
  2. Web-Based Application: o The app focuses solely on iOS devices, and developing a web-based version is not within the current scope.
  3. Monetary Transactions: o The app does not involve monetary transactions. Any financial transactions related to giveaways, such as purchasing entries, are not within the app's scope.
  4. Customizable Themes: o While the app provides customization for giveaways, extensive theme customization (beyond basic branding) is considered out of scope.
  5. Integration with External CRM Systems: o Direct integration with external Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or third-party services is not within the app's initial scope.
  6. Offline Functionality: o The app primarily operates in an online mode, and extensive offline functionality is considered out of scope for the current version.

• Project Details :

  1. The Giveaway App, integrated with Firebase for data management, is designed to facilitate a seamless buying and selling experience for users.

  2. The initial step involves setting up a Firebase project and configuring the iOS app to enable secure user authentication, allowing users to register and log in using either email/password or social media credentials.

  3. The app's core functionality centers around a product listing feature, wherein a Firebase Realtime Database is employed to store product information, including details such as name, description, price, and seller information.

  4. For buyers, the purchase flow is developed to provide a user-friendly interface for selecting and buying a product.

  5. Upon purchase, the database is updated to reflect the transaction, removing the bought item from the product listing.

  6. Sellers, on the other hand, can utilize a dedicated interface to post new products and corresponding functions are implemented to update the Firebase database with the new product information.

  7. Sellers benefit from a dedicated dashboard that allows them to manage their listed products and track sales.

  8. The implementation includes features to mark products as sold and update the seller's inventory, ensuring accurate representation of available items.

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• Conclusion :

In conclusion, the Giveaway App, seamlessly integrated with Firebase, provides an intuitive platform for users to engage in buying and selling activities. With a focus on simplicity, security, and real-time functionality, the app enhances the user experience by leveraging Firebase's capabilities. Buyers benefit from a streamlined purchase process, while sellers can effortlessly manage inventory and track sales.