- Create a CRUD REST API, for example a TODO list (what/when/status)
- With auto-documentation and saving in in-memory/postgresql/mariadb
- ToDo tasks must go through the states Planned -> Work_in_progress -> Done, Canceled Done and Canceled - final states, the direction of the state change is one-way.
- Use an enum for the state, cover the state change logic with tests.
- Deploy the API jar to your own AWS Elastic Beanstalk resource
- Write shell scripts with API calls using curl
- Add a couple of users with different roles and i18n to the API
- Additionally: call HttpClient services of other students.
- For example, log get /hello.
- How is it possible to do something more - data synchronization between services.
- Integration test and unit test supports
- through a webhook, we start Jenkins on a remote server, which in turn collects the Maven project and deploys it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk current server ip
for swagger use http://url:port/swagger-ui/index.html">...