
In this project, I cleaned a bank personal loan marketing campaign dataset, and designing the schema in a way that would allow data from future campaigns to be easily imported in PostgreSQL database.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This project involves cleaning a bank personal loan marketing campaign dataset, setting up a PostgreSQL database to store this campaign's data, and designing the schema in a way that would allow data from future campaigns to be easily imported.

The dataset is a csv file located at "./Data/bank_marketing.csv".

The database design script is a .sql because banks are strict on security.

The database base will contain three tables in the format below


column data type description
id serial Client ID - primary key
age integer Client's age in years
job text Client's type of job
marital text Client's marital status
education text Client's level of education
credit_default boolean Whether the client's credit is in default
housing boolean Whether the client has an existing housing loan (mortgage)
loan boolean Whether the client has an existing personal loan


column data type description
campaign_id serial Campaign ID - primary key
client_id serial Client ID - references id in the client table
number_contacts integer Number of contact attempts to the client in the current campaign
contact_duration integer Last contact duration in seconds
pdays integer Number of days since contact in previous campaign (999 = not previously contacted)
previous_campaign_contacts integer Number of contact attempts to the client in the previous campaign
previous_outcome boolean Outcome of the previous campaign
campaign_outcome boolean Outcome of the current campaign
last_contact_date date Last date the client was contacted


column data type description
client_id serial Client ID - references id in the client table
emp_var_rate float Employment variation rate (quarterly indicator)
cons_price_idx float Consumer price index (monthly indicator)
euribor_three_months float Euro Interbank Offered Rate (euribor) three month rate (daily indicator)
number_employed float Number of employees (quarterly indicator)