Author: Chit Fung LAM (Lawrence)
This project contains grammar fragments developed in the Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) formalism. They are implemented in the Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) to computationally model syntactic analyses of linguistic phenomena in Mandarin Chinese. See for more information about grammar engineering via XLE, including how to download and use XLE.
This directory contains a small LFG grammar developed via the Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) to computationally implement the theoretical analysis of two linguistic phenomena in Mandarin Chinese, namely Aspect under Control and Inner Topicalisation.
For reference to this grammar, please cite:
Lam, Chit Fung. 2022. ‘Control Complements in Parallel Constraint-based Architecture: Re-analysis of Two “Restructuring” Phenomena in Mandarin Chinese’. Conference paper presented at the 27th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (LFG’22), University of Groningen, July 12-14.
- restructuring.lfg
This is the LFG grammar to be run by XLE. A html version is also included for displaying the content using a web browser.
- testsuite.lfg
This testsuite contains the essential sentences to be parsed by the LFG grammar. A html version is also included for displaying the content using a web browser.