A dwarf-fortress adventure mode-inspired rogue-like Pygame Python3 game
On heavily development, especially the name https://franchufranchu.itch.io/rogue
All of them can be pip installed
A chart showing how the classes inherit and contain each other
Arrow keys: Move
Some clarifications of the code
Volume is measured in liters. A map tile fits 3 cubic meters or 3k liters
You are the tiny @ in the middle of the screen Use the arrow keys to move Use "rshift + arrow keys" to resize the window Use "l" to Look Use "k" to talK
How to make a human with the command line:
- Type "mkhuman" in the command line
- To talk with the human, enter looking mode and move the cursor to the place where you put the human and press K
Editing the tileset
I use GIMP to edit the tileset. Go to Image -> Configure grid and make it 12x12 Make sure View > Show Grid is enabled There are tiny numbers on the right if you don't want to count from the top The empty tiles are green, and have a number to get the low half of the position
12x12 author, he hasn't provided any license 8x12 author, he hasn't provided any license either
I'll assume they are MIT because of the wiki politics
credits to me for everything else