JobBoard OCTO


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Getting started

# get project sources
git clone
cd octo-job-board

# install dependencies
npm install

# run tests
npm test

# configure database
npm run configure

# build Vue.js  client for production with minification
npm run build

# start the application
npm start

Visualise Data in Database

IntelliJ IDEA (and other JetBrains products)

In project tree, find octo-job-board/server/src/db/data.development.sqlite

- Right Click 
- As Data Source
- Driver should be `SQLITE`
- OK
- Click on `Download` missing driver files

Database is now configure and to access it, click on Database View (View > Database)

Running the different environments

You can run the API server independently from the client's development one.


cd server
npm start


cd client
npm run dev

Release to production

The release to production process is as simple as running the command (from any branch):

npm run release