Capstone Project: Camping-Friends


Camping-Friends helps you to easy organize your camping trips. Create, edit and share camping trips with your Friends 🏕


You can find the hosted version on Vercel: Demo Version of Capstone Project

Important: This demo is optimized for mobile screen.

Tech Stack


  • React: The code is written using React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Next.js: A framework built on top of React that provides server-side rendering, routing, and other helpful features.
  • styled-components: A CSS-in-JS library used for styling components. It allows you to write CSS code as JavaScript tagged template literals.


  • Node.js: The runtime environment for executing JavaScript code on the server-side.
  • Cloudinary: A cloud-based image and video management service used for image uploads and handling.

State Management:

  • use-local-storage-state: A custom hook used for managing state in local storage.

Additional Libraries:

  • formidable: A Node.js library for parsing form data, used here for handling file uploads.
  • uuid: A library used to generate unique identifiers (UUIDs) for trip IDs.


  • the code also uses an API route to handle image uploads to Cloudinary.