
Mersys Automation Testing

Primary LanguageJava


Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central MIT License

I use JAVA, TestNG, Cucumber, Gherkin and other JAVA Tools on this project.

Domain: https://test.mersys.io

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:

# File > New > Project From Version Control 
# Copy to URL

# open project at Intellij
# select project JDK

# Load Pom
Click to pom.xml > Maven > Reload Project

# Run All Test
Click to Runners > TestRunnerAll and Run

# Run Cross Smoke Test
Click to Runner > TestRunnerSmoke and Run

List of Dependencies

Package Description
TestNG Next Generation Testing Tool.
Selenium Browser Automation Framework.
slf4j The Simple Logging Facade for Java.
commons.io The Apache Commons IO library.
cucumber Cucumber is a tool that supports BDD.
grasshopper HTML & PDF Report tool.

File Structure

|-- src
|   |-- main
|       |-- java
|       |-- resources
|   |-- test
|       |-- java
|           |-- FeatureFiles
|               |-- Cucumber Feature Files
|           |-- PageObjectModels
|               |-- Locators, Page Object Model Files
|           |-- Runners
|               |-- TestRunnerAll
|               |-- TestRunnerHR
|               |-- TestRunnerLogin
|               |-- TestRunnerRegression
|               |-- TestRunnerSmoke
|           |-- StepDefinitions
|               |-- Hooks
|               |-- * Test Class Files
|           |-- Utilities
|               |-- BaseDriver
|               |-- Events
|               |-- ExcelUtility
|       |-- resources
|       |-- results
|           |-- reports*
|           |-- .gitignore
|-- .gitignore
|-- pom.xml

Rules Of Pull Request

  • Update your codes from main branch before you pull request
  • Don't use Thread.Sleep
  • Don't use Turkish Character
  • Don't use extra space
  • Use logical comment lines


  • Emrullah Tanıma - Team Lead
  • Samet Çamoğlu - Tester
  • Ümit Boyraz - Tester
  • Selen Dilek - Tester
  • Rustam Roz - Tester
  • Umut Can Güzel - Tester
  • Yakup Yüce - Tester


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Enjoy! 👋