Open Source record and playback test automation for the web.
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Warning "Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed."
#1819 opened by larstippmann - 2
selenium-side-runner container fail to run .side file
#1809 opened by jackchuong - 1
Hello Every one
#1861 opened by thuanpd - 1
Hello Every one In Selenium v3, how can I get the Xpath and id of selectFrame by index? I'm not sure how to retrieve it in the v3 source. Could someone please help me with this? Thank you very much.
#1862 opened by thuanpd - 1
tests require Content-Security-Policy unsafe-eval allowed
#1870 opened by peterdd - 4
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Variable lost
#1856 opened by AlphonseProffit - 1
Side Runner/IDE (4.0.12) does not take the variables from the previous test case in the same test suite
#1867 opened by akashg94 - 3
WS : Websocket to get StoredVars
#1855 opened by AlphonseProffit - 0
Simple side test is failing when --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs option is enabled in chrome
#1868 opened by NikhilHedau - 21
[🐛 Bug]: selenium fail to run side file - Error: Driver took too long to build
#1815 opened by jackchuong - 0
Migrating tests from .xml to .side
#1866 opened by alex270795 - 0
Hello Every One Currently, I want to retrieve the Xpath and id of selectFrame by index in the Selenium V3 branch. How can this be done when the recording sends the XPath and id to Selenium? Currently, the command for selectFrame only returns index=2. Looking forward to receiving your help Thank you so much
#1864 opened by thuanpd - 0
Hello Every One Currently, I want to retrieve the Xpath and id of selectFrame by index in the Selenium V3 branch. How can this be done when the recording sends the XPath and id to Selenium? Currently, the command for selectFrame only returns index=2. Looking forward to receiving your help Thank you so much
#1863 opened by thuanpd - 1
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How can I see the result of an echo?
#1857 opened by ilhamibrahimvaultdragon - 5
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#1849 opened by JimAtkinson - 19
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Error on installation and run
#1843 opened by ilhamibrahimvaultdragon - 1
Locators can not be changed
#1852 opened by supidupicoder2 - 10
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Error logging in Selenium IDE (version 3.17.2)
#1838 opened by TJSWANS300 - 3
How to generate chrome extension
#1841 opened by linavaos - 5
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Key Chord Support
#1850 opened by trottly - 26
Unable to export test (version 3.17.2)
#1839 opened by TJSWANS300 - 6
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Can not use command "select" to operate a dropdown list
#1848 opened by heandping - 4
Unknown command storeXpathCount
#1821 opened by larstippmann - 6
Side Script with a self signed certificate web application is not running inside a docker container with selenium side runner ver 4.0.8
#1831 opened by NikhilHedau - 7
Add a Window Timeout Field in the Command Editor, for Commands Marked as Opening a Window
#1829 opened by AlexGarrity - 3
stale element reference: stale element not found
#1824 opened by andyp05 - 1
Wait timeout value does not work
#1832 opened by steveshearer - 4
Selenium IDE has a large application market in China, so I localized the source code (trunk branch) and added some features and fixed some bugs that I found. Perhaps I can help promote Selenium IDE in China.
#1812 opened by fernandozw - 11
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How can we use 'Virtual Authenticator' for the applications that authenticate users in a passwordless manner.
#1818 opened by techienomad - 2
how to get downloads working in IDE/side runner?
#1834 opened by dncpax - 5
Running selenium recorder from terminal
#1827 opened by Ashish3080 - 1
Record new tests on existing pages
#1826 opened by techdragon - 0
Screentshot Command Missing
#1825 opened by Rcourtem - 2
Splash window become white-out in v4.0.1-beta.5
#1810 opened by tokyo-watcher - 8
selenium-side-runner thrown timeout error
#1811 opened by jackchuong