
Prework for Code 101

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Code 101: Intro to Software Development & Careers in Tech

Welcome to Code 101!

The very first thing you need to do is setup your computer. This means you will need to download and install all the tools necessary to write code. These guides may contain a lot of terms that you are unfamiliar with. Bear with us, follow along, and see if you can set up your computer so that you're fully ready to start Code 101.

If you encounter any problems with these guides, please come in early at 8 AM so that we can help you setup your computer.


1. Ensure your laptop up to the task of coding
  • Is virus and malware free
  • Uses the latest, stable, updated version of its operating system
  • Has a functioning screen, keyboard, and trackpad
  • Has plenty of free hard drive space and memory
  • Can reliably connect to wireless networks
2. Complete the setup guide for your computer's operating system

Following completion of these Pre-work assignments, you should:

  • Have a terminal with a Git compatible prompt
  • Be able to receive a valid response when typing "git --version"
3. Download and Install Slack

We use Slack to distribute files and collaborate before, during, and after the workshop.

Look for an email from us prior to the workshop, in order to join our Slack team.