
A vanilla PHP wrapper for Apache Tika and Google Cloud Translate to help them work in harmony.

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Tika Translate

A wrapper package to integrate Apache Tika with Google Cloud Translate allowing you to extract translated versions of documents via a simple API.


  • Apache Tika Server
  • Google Cloud Translate API Access


You can install the package via composer e.g.

$ composer require "selesti/tika-translate"

We also bundle a basic tika server script which can be started by running /vendor/selesti/tika-translate/bin/tika


At the heart of the package, it is effectively a bridge between Tika (via vaites/php-apache-tika) and Cloud Translate (via google/cloud-translate), you will need to make sure you have a working Apache Tika Server which can be accessed via your PHP script.

Currently we're only supporting the tika-server e.g. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/tika/tika-server-1.18.jar rather than the tika-app variant.

We provide 3 classes, which can be used individually or as a combo - just read the tests or source to see what's needed, it's pretty simple!

  • TikaTranslate (the bridge)
  • TranslateService (google translate helper)
  • TikaService (apache tika helper)

To interact with the Google Translate API you'll need to provide us with your credential file, google allows you to do this in a few ways which it describes here -> https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-php/blob/master/AUTHENTICATION.md

For simplicity our examples will use the keyFilePath method (make sure you don't commit these credentials to your version control)


use Selesti\TikaTranslate;

$tt = new TikaTranslate(['keyFilePath' => 'google-credentials.json']);

$translatedFile = $tt->translate('french-document.pdf');
$translatedText = $tt->translate('bonjour');

By default - tika-translate will silently fail if it cannot read the file you pass in, this allows you to use the same translate() method to translate both files and text. If you notice your translations are coming back as file paths, this is because it cannot find the file. Just pass the full system path to the translate() method - if it finds a file in this location, it will translate that. If it cannot find a file, it will treat it as a text string.

Translate Service

You can engage with the translate service directly, it's only a small wrapper around the translate package.


$translator = new TranslateService(['keyFilePath' => 'google-credentials.json']);

$translation = $translator->translate('bonjour', [
    'target' => 'de'

$translation = $translator->translateBatch([
    'au revoir',
], [
    'target' => 'de'

Tika Service

Additionally you can interact with everything vaites/php-apache-tika provides and a couple of helpers, this will simply act as a text or meta extractor

$tika = new TikaService;

$text = $tika->text(

$meta = $tika->meta(


We've got a small set of phpunit tests which can be run by changing into the /vendor/selesti/tika-translate directory, running composer install --dev then executing phpunit.

You will need to make sure the tika server is running, which can be started by running /vendor/selesti/tika-translate/bin/tika


Google translate encodes certain characters, so when you get your response back from them you must watch out for any changes in encoding e.g.


c'est un test s'il vous plaît ignorer


it's a test please ignore

Doing such things as:

$decoded = html_entity_decode($response, ENT_QUOTES);

Can help resolve it.