- (deku/anyway/animewala) - telegram bot creator or convertor
- TheCaduceus - bypass bots repo supplier
- yuuki - gplink and droplink bypass bot creator
- adf.ly link
- droplink.co link
- gplink stinky url
- AppDrive or DriveApp links (login required wont work for now)
- linkvertise.com
- exe.io/exey.io
- sub2unlock.net/sub2unlock.com
- rekonise.com
- letsboost.net
- ph.apps2app.com
- mboost.me
- shortconnect.com
- sub4unlock.com
- ytsubme.com
- bit.ly
- social-unlock.com
- boost.ink
- goo.gl
- shrto.ml
- t.co
- tinyurl.com
start - Welcome Message
help - all command list
adf - bypass adf.ly link
droplink - bypass droplink.co link
sd - AppDrive or DriveApp links (login required wont work )
lv - linkvertise link bypass
ex - other supported link bypass
Intially I was not able to push a simple bot to heroku, but yeah googling a lot made it work!
- Install Telegram :)
- Create a telegram bot by talking to [Bot Father]
- Install python in your computer, if you are on windows
- Download my repo or clone it using git clone
- Edit TOKEN.txt and add your bot token
- For linux edit main.py and replace python with python3
- open cmd or terminal from that folder
- for windows or (for Linux)
run python main.py
for Linux
run python3 main.py
- fork this repo and edit TOKEN.txt and fill your bot token
- use the link below and deploy it
- dont forget to enable worker in resources tab
- done