
FADI - Ingest, store and analyse big data flows

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FADI - A framework for big data analytics

License version All Contributors

Installation guide User guide Presentation slides FAQ
Installation User guide Presentation FAQ

What is FADI?

FADI is a Cloud Native platform for Big Data based on mature open source tools. The FADI project is dedicated to making the deployment of Big Data tools simple, portable and scalable. The goal is to provide a straightforward way to deploy open-source systems for Big Data to various infrastructures (private and public clouds). Anywhere you can run Kubernetes, you should be able to run FADI.

Quick start

  1. Install the framework on your workstation
  2. Try a simple use case

FADI architecture

The figure below presents the various components of the architecture, with implementation choices.

You can find a more detailed explanation of the various components in the architecture presentation

FADI stack

FADI Helm Chart


This repository contains the Helm chart to install FADI in a Kubernetes cluster.


In case you encounter an issue with FADI, have a feature request or any other question, feel free to open an issue.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 👀
Alexandre Nuttinck
Alexandre Nuttinck

💻 👀 🚇

Faiez Zalila
Faiez Zalila

💻 ⚠️

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


This project has been realised in the context of the following research projects:

BigDataAtMa Grinding 4.0 Presentation slides FAQ
Bigdata@MA - Big Data application at MAnufacturing industry Grinding 4.0 - Smart 4.0 machine cell model for automotive cutting tool grinding services NewTech4Steel - New technologies for real-time monitoring and control of steel production Quality 4.0 - Transparent product quality supervision in the age of Industry 4.0