
CLI to simplify everything from development to production

Primary LanguageGo



Install via asdf

asdf plugin add selleo https://github.com/selleo/asdf-cli.git
asdf install selleo latest
asdf global selleo latest

selleo version


asdf install selleo latest

Install via homebrew

If you don't use asdf, you can use brew.

First time:

brew tap Selleo/cli
brew install selleo

Upgrade for new release:

brew upgrade selleo


Run selleo to see available commands:


# example commands
selleo adr new --title "Choose database"
selleo rand uuid4

Check -h help for command:

selleo rand bytes -h
selleo crypto hmac sha256 -h
# ...


About Selleo


Software development teams with an entrepreneurial sense of ownership at their core delivering great digital products and building culture people want to belong to. We are a community of engaged co-workers passionate about crafting impactful web solutions which transform the way our clients do business.

All names and logos for Selleo are trademark of Selleo Labs Sp. z o.o. (formerly Selleo Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.)