Project #0: Tic Tac Toe with Planets and Unbeatable AI!

Don't try the impossible level!

By Selm123

Techoniques used:

  • html
  • css
  • javaScript
  • jQuery

Game screenshots:

Before game start before start

Difficulty selection before start

Game play before start

Iteration list:

Completed iterations

  • Keep track of multiple game rounds with a win counter
  • Popup window (modal window) after each round
  • Change game icon, replace with earth and moon gif
  • Add timer before computer's move to make computer look like thinking
  • Add new font to make it look better
  • After click New game, new game button stop shining and title start to shine. When end game do the reverse.
  • Fix the new game / reset game and continue / end game function bugs
  • Store Highest Records using local storage and set button to reset it
  • Add music play and stop. Change music source to online to make * project smaller
  • Make bacground spin
  • Set transition for header and footer elements
  • Add computer level choice (not chess randomly but try to win)
  • Finish A file** with explanations of the technologies used, the approach taken, installation instructions, unsolved problems, etc.

Future iterations:

  1. Show Fireworks when winning
  2. Allow player to choose different images as icon
  3. Support custom board sizes: default is 3x3 but you could allow users to choose a larger board
  4. Make the start button earth / moon
  5. Add pvp mode
  6. Add option to let computer move first
  7. Make sure the display is correct for different resolutions: (use view height?)
  8. Further Refactoring of code: 1> Break the project down into different components (data, presentation, views, style, DOM manipulation) and brainstorm each component individually. Use whiteboards! 2> Further apply KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
  9. Add hidden Galaga game mode after winning several rounds of Tic Tac Toe.
  10. Show 9 planets of Solar system moving in circle on title before start while drawing no lines, show line after start. You could choose one of the planets to play
  11. When winning, show 9 planets moving in circle again
  12. When Hover on element, show the planet name and planet description on right side of the screen
  13. Add check of http link, only link to mp3 file when there's internet
  14. Use a timer to keep changing the words on top or right side (e.g. Space, the last frontier)
  15. Draw lines using background colour instead of a picture, and set a timer to change colour gradients of the line continuously
  16. Make the background starry universe shine and stars in the universe moving against the screen continuously (code train?)
  17. Make the lines repeatedly fade in and out once the game starts
  18. Always show highest score, move its position to between new game button and reset highest score button