.NET Standard 2.0 library to access WinBIZ Cloud API. Be aware, not all WinBIZ Cloud API methods are implemented yet.
Install Bizy.OuinneBiseSharp NuGet package to your project
Create a
instancevar service = new OuinneBiseSharpService(winBizCompanyName, winBizUsername, winBizPassword, winBizCompanyId, winBizYear, winBizKey, appName);
Param Exemple Value Remark winBizCompanyName Lighthouse Gmbh The name of the Company for which the Cloud subscription has been opened. The application must prompt the user for his Company Name. winBizUsername TestUser The username of the Cloud user. The username is chosen by the user when he subscribes to the service. The application must prompt the user for his username winBizPassword password The password of the Cloud user. The password is chosen by the user when he subscribes to the service. The application must prompt the user for the password. winBizCompanyId 1000 The WinBIZ Folder Number. See this article if you dont know where to find the winbiz-companyid. The list of available companies can be obtained via the method Folders. winBizYear 2017 The fiscal year of the WinBIZ Folder specified in winbiz-companyid. The list of available fiscal years can be obtained via the method Folders. winBizKey #YOUR_DEV_API_KEY# The security key obtained from LOGICIAL SA. appName BizyDev Application name, will be used in error messages -
Call a method, for exemple
var stockResult = await _service.Stock(StockMethodsEnum.Available, productId);
for availables sub-methods instock
. -
Explore the WinBIZ Cloud API doc for more infos.
Rule the world !
1.1. Install .NET Core 2.0 SDK if not done yet
1.2. Clone the code
1.3. Build => this will also restore needed packages
2.1 Restore WinBIZ company backup from
files/Entreprise d'Informatique_9996_2018.wb_backup
to your WinBIZ Cloud, this is a basic backup from WinBIZ Eval Company2.2 Set the following environment variables
setx WINBIZ_API_KEY winBizKey setx WINBIZ_API_COMPANY winBizCompanyName setx WINBIZ_API_USERNAME winBizUsername setx WINBIZ_API_PASSWORD winBizPassword
2.2' Or update
constructor and replace environment variables with pures values, those values are private so DON'T commit them when creating PRs2.3 Run the tests, all test should be green
2.4 Happy testing !
Thanks to AppVeyor for providing free continuous integration for open-source projects.