
Fork this template for the 100 days journal - to keep yourself accountable

I've joined the #100DaysOfCode Challenge.


Here you can check out my progres with the 100daysofcode. Currently working on my own portfolio website. You can check it out here: Portfolio

Day 1: June 06, 2017

Started with some simple HTML and CSS setup for my portfolio page. Forgot to put it on GitHub, so I did it today(7th of june)

Day 2: June 07, 2017

Pushed my first steps of my portfolio website on GitHub. Added some mock-up pages in html. Created a basic contact form on the contact page. Check it out: Portfolio. P.S: I just realised that making the same header, menu and footer(or al what comes back at every page) should be made once and included on every page of the website. So build one header and include that on every single page. Instead of building the header over and over again.

Day 3: June 08, 2017

So, I changed all my files from .html to .php. This way I can include several files. I'm building a header and can include that on every page. When I change something in header.php, it changes on each page. See my portfolio.

Day 4: June 09, 2017

Today I spent about an hour to style my menu a bit. Went pretty well if I say so myself! Only thing I can't figure out is the jQuery part of it. When I go to a page, the menu of that page needs to be highlighted. It works on "Home", but when I go to another page, the higlighted menu item jumps back to "Home". Check out: portfolio. P.S: Does this make any sense? Haha

Day 5: August 12, 2017

So, there went my streak.. Went on a motorcycle vacation. Now I´m back and thought of a new project. It´s called StarLog. It's a place where your can write down and review your astronomical observations. Did a first couple of steps. Created a MySQL database and some dummy content. Did make a connection(in PHP) to the database en retrieved the dummy contect, YAY! Not really good and file structure as the code structure could be much better. Will look into that. I will upload the first files in a bit. Here we go: StarLog.

Also, trying to figure out Docker on Windows 10. Pain.in.the.ass.

Day 6: August 15, 2017

Started with the registration form for StarLog, so users can sign up. Simple, basic HTML form where I validate if all fields are filled in. Next step is to write the data from the form to the database. StarLog.