
A Python SDK for shellhub (https://shellhub.io)

Primary LanguagePython

[Shellhub Python SDK]


What is it

This repository contains the source code to a Shellhub (https://shellhub.io) Python SDK. It is used to interact with the Shellhub API.

Tested with shellhub v0.14.1

Open to all contributions, wether it is a bug fix, a new feature or a documentation improvement, or even a better way to do things.


From pip: pip install shellhub


Create a virtual environment

python3.11 -m venv venv

You can use any version starting python 3.8

Activate it

source venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Activate the pre-commit

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook commit-msg

Edit the env file with the correct parameters

vim .env

Install the module locally

python setup.py develop


In your Pull Request, make sure you have modified the version in __init__.py according to semver.org Once done, and the PR is merged, you need to push on the main branch a tag with a v prefix

For example: If the __version__ in __init__.py is 1.0.0, you need to tag the last commit on main with your changes with v1.0.0


  • Merge the PR
  • git checkout main
  • git pull
  • git tag vx.x.x
  • git push --tags

Once done, go to the repository, find the tag and create a release from the tag. In the description, explain what has changed so we can easily see what has been done A few seconds after, the package should be up in the pypi server.

Repository rules

When contributing:

  • Create a branch based on main
  • Code on it and commit
  • Create PR
  • Wait for it to be approved and make sure all checks pass
  • Merge it

Code owner



  • Migrate tests to pytest-recording
  • Add a readthedocs documentation
  • Switch to an OpenAPI generated client ? see shellhub-io/shellhub#3497 (comment)
  • Add deployment to pypi on merge to main
  • Add a changelog
  • Setup coverage reporting
  • Update tests to tests on multiple python versions