
Raspberry pi pins and Q cloud connectivity

Primary LanguageC++

Qberry - Raspbeery Pi application for controlling GPIO pins

Copyright 2017 Seluxit A/S.


QBerry is a C++ application for controlling GPIO pins. Before you run application run setup (interactive script 'generate_data.sh') to define which pins are need to be controlled, describe device and value information. All generated data will be save into json format under 'network' directory.

Installation of dependencies

To build QBerry, the following tools/libraries are needed:

  • g++ - C++ compiler with c++11 support: g++4.8 and above.
  • CMake - cross platform tool for building Qplus
  • libev - high performance event loop - event library.

On Ubuntu, you can install them with:

$ sudo apt-get install cmake libev-dev

Build and usage

For building QBerry you need to change directory to build. Run './configure' for configuration and 'make' to build the QBerry. Once build is finished it should produce qberry executable. Executable will read 'network' directory structure with all devices, values and states, wrap such data in json format and send to data pipe and rest service. Those services can be run on local Rastberry Pi or on a remote machine. Application It also will listen on event from data pipe for controlling/updating states. Use Postman or other REST clients to read/control device state.


See the LICENSE file for details. In summary, QBerry is licensed under the MIT license, or public domain if desired and recognized in your jurisdiction.