- 0
- 0
Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access '__WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__' before initialization
#88 opened by arbazkhalid1122 - 0
Can I get a maintainer access?
#87 opened by felixmosh - 1
Confused UI Labeled input
#86 opened by TettriS - 0
Why @import / š¤®
#85 opened by swedieman - 21
CSS import breaks webpack 5 compilation
#75 opened by sahi1422 - 9
Disable web fonts
#31 opened by jgoodall - 2
- 8
Invalid `:after .header` selector
#83 opened by devmao - 7
- 0
- 0
- 2
Mark the repository as archived
#72 opened by hiredgunhouse - 0
Unable to override background color in body
#74 opened by shwethashyam1 - 0
- 0
- 1
Typo? i.icon.\35 00px:before
#64 opened by a-ruzin - 1
New release because of CVE-2019-11358
#63 opened by JeroenKnoops - 1
TextArea does not have its own CSS
#65 opened by burhanuday - 12
Brand Icons not included.
#49 opened by Samistine - 2
Missing Update to 2.4.2
#67 opened by Obiwarn - 5
remove google fonts
#32 opened by geromueller - 16
- 2
[ React, Webpack, yarn ] Module not found: Can't resolve '../themes/default/assets/fonts/brand-icons.eot'
#52 opened by dimitar-nikovski - 3
- 8
No Icons in semantic-ui-css
#38 opened by horodnicdragos - 0
Time to upgrade FontAwesome ?
#61 opened by nmaves - 1
Icons are not rendered with Meteor and React.
#59 opened by pociej - 2
2.3.0 Some Icons do not show up
#44 opened by achimkoellner - 2
Google font causes fatal error
#34 opened by nolawnchairs - 0
Chrome v70 dynamically generated radio buttons in a modal causing CSS issue
#58 opened by gabrielruss - 3
- 3
Wrong CSS syntax for background-color
#56 opened by ppaczkowski - 0
- 0
The semantic:ui-css meteor has a fatal bug "No compatible binary build found for this package", requesting fix
#54 opened by pagesrichie - 1
- 0
Include RTL CSS
#51 opened by papigers - 13
Breaking change in 2.3.0 from ^2.2.12 - Icons not loading, Modal position incorrect
#40 opened by OwenPattison - 3
Documentation needed for icon for 2.2.14
#48 opened by aleroma - 3
modal css broken
#47 opened by kcpradyp - 0
Confirm css broken
#46 opened by DavidHe1127 - 0
Modal not centered on screen
#45 opened by Loupi - 1
v2.3.0: Icon names don't match the icon
#43 opened by NoisyFlake - 1
- 1
Failed to load on linux
#42 opened by jhessin - 0
- 2
2.2.13 not in npm
#33 opened by CaryLandholt - 1
Minified javascript version
#37 opened by joubertredrat - 3
Missing minified css/js file in 2.2.8
#29 opened by pane-e-design - 5