
Repositorio para iniciar desarrollos con la plataforma SemanticWebBuilder y el paradigma de Desarrollo Dirigido por Ontologías

Primary LanguageJava


Seed project for SemanticWebBuilder Portal (SWBPortal) resources development using Ontology Driven approach

Project structure

+-- README.md
+-- pom.xml
+-- install.sh
+-- start.sh
+-- Model #Source code for starter project data model
+-- Components
|   +-- src/main/java/org/semanticwb/starter
|       +-- codegen
|       |   +-- CodeGeneratorComponents.java #Code generator for starter project
|       +-- resources
|           +-- DirectoryResource.java #Sample SemanticWebBuilder resource implementation
+-- WebApp
    +-- src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/owl/ext
        +-- starter.owl #Ontology definition for starter project model

Building project

Execute the following command to build and deploy project for development on a local SWBPortal instance

sh start.sh -f

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 on a browser to see user website.

Managing SWBPortal instance

To manage the local SWBPortal instance navigate to http://localhost:8080/swbadmin on a browser. Use admin as user and webbuilder as password.