
Docker image for Apache Spark.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An Apache Spark container based on openjdk image. Use it in a standalone cluster with the accompanying docker-compose.yml, or as a base for more complex recipes.

Simple example

To run SparkPi, run the image with Docker:

docker run --rm -it -p 4040:4040 semantive/spark bin/run-example SparkPi 10

Cluster example [docker-compose]

To create a simple standalone cluster with docker-compose use:

docker-compose up

The SparkUI will be running at http://${YOUR_DOCKER_HOST}:8080 with one worker listed and Spark jobs may be submitted using master spark://${YOUR_DOCKER_HOST}:7077. To connect via spark-shell with cluster use:

spark-shell --master spark://localhost:7077


Apache Licence