A simple app that fetches placeholder images api and displays image content
- Min. deployment target Android API 24
- Kotlin source code
- MVVM architecture
- Unit and integration test
- Pagination
- Offline first
git clone git@github.com:SembaMax/dkb-images-app.git
- JDK11
- Supports minimum API 24
- Gradle 7.5.1+
- Kotlin 1.7.21+
- Android Studio Electric Eel
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Navigation
- Material Design 3
- Themes
- Flows
- Retrofit2
- Timber
- Hilt
- Coroutines
- Coil
- Gradle kts
- JUnit4
- Mockk
- MockWebServer
path: /certifactes/debug.jks
keytool -list -v -keystore debug.jks -alias debug -storepass "cQ1IS#&&193s8KSz" -keypass "cQ1IS#&&193s8KSz"
SHA1: 4D:15:C4:CC:94:14:91:48:28:ED:28:15:4F:22:91:18:B5:8F:0E:19
path: /certifactes/release.jks
keytool -list -v -keystore release.jks -alias release -storepass "5Tk@9sS25r0%5U*4" -keypass "5Tk@9sS25r0%5U*4"
SHA1: 19:68:DD:0B:C1:FB:06:1A:35:F0:38:E4:7B:A7:60:15:F2:76:D8:97