A simple movies app that fetches movies data using TheMovieDB API
- Min. deployment target Android API 24
- Kotlin source code
- Pagination
- Modular MVVM architecture
- Search Movies
The app is designed with multi layer MVVM architecture for better control over individual modules. Which makes the project open for scalability, and flexible to change, maintain and test.
git clone git@github.com:SembaMax/modern-movies-app.git
- JDK11
- Supports minimum API 24
- Gradle 7.5.1+
- Kotlin 1.7.21+
- Android Studio Electric Eel
- Login into TheMovieDB for getting API_KEY and ACCESS_TOKEN
- Add
file. - Add
defaultConfig {
buildConfigField("String", "API_KEY", properties.getProperty("API_KEY"))
buildConfigField("String", "ACCESS_TOKEN", properties.getProperty("ACCESS_TOKEN"))
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose Navigation
- Material Design 3
- Themes
- Flows
- Retrofit2
- Timber
- Hilt
- Coroutines
- Coil
- Gradle kts
- Modularization
- JUnit4
- Compose UI Test
- Mockk
- MockWebServer