🏗 scaffold-eth - 🎲 VRF NFT 🎫

Use VRF to get a 🎲 random "⚔️ strength" for each NFT as it is minted...


🏃‍♀️ Quick Start

required: Node plus Yarn and Git

git clone https://github.com/Polygon-Academy/nftmarketexample

cd nftmarketexample
yarn install
yarn start

in a second terminal window:

cd nftmarketexample
yarn chain

✏️ Edit the artwork manifest artwork.js with all of your art, then upload it to IPFS:

in a third terminal window:

cd nftmarketexample

yarn upload

yarn deploy

📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

Your artwork from artwork.json (if uploaded and deployed correctly) should show a gallery of possible NFTS to mint:


💦 Use the faucet wallet icon in the bottom left of the frontend to give your address $1000 in testnet ETH.

🎲 This repo uses Chainlink's VRF on Rinkby.

First call getRandomNumber() from the debug contracts tab:


Wait for the randomResult to get set:


Finally, mint from the gallery tab and your NFT will have a tokenStrength:
