Flutter Note App with OCR


Taking notes has never been so easy!

You won't struggle to write down the sentences you need to take notes in magazines, books, articles, etc., or lose them in your gallery after taking screenshots of recommended posts such as movies, books, etc. from people you follow.

To take notes, you can either select the image from the camera/gallery, add a voice memo, or write and save it yourself sentence by sentence.

Great, you're ready to access your notes quickly and securely.

Basic Uses Cases

There are three ways for the user to add their notes.

  1. The text is scanned from the image and the found text is added
  2. Can add notes manually
  3. Can add voice memo

If you want to edit the saved note, you can easily do so.

Packages used:

  • Text recognition/ OCR: Google ml kit
  • State management: Provider
  • Database: Sqflite
  • Your notes are stored on your device with AES encryption using the encrypt package.
  • And others: İmage picker, Staggered grid view

Play Store


Application video
