How to use the Repository

Please Follow the following steps if you want to contribute in the Repository

  • Fork the Repository :
  • Then you need to clone the repository :
$   git clone{ username }/tech-a-thon-web-boilerplate.git
  • Setup Upstream to stay upto date :
$   git remote add upstream
  • Check the upstream setup :
$   git remote -v
  • To pull the main/master branch's code :
$   git pull upstream master
  • To push and complete the cycle :
$   git push origin master

NOTE : You should login to your GitHub Account through your terminal or Gitbash then you won't be able to perform this step.

  • To check and update local repository :
$   git pull upstream master
$   git fetch upstream
$   git merge upstream

You can also merge the commits of the main repository to your forked repository by syncing in GitHub :

  • After these steps you can sucessfully start merging things in your forked repository.

  • If you want to merge your code base with the upstream you need to make a Pull Request after pushing your commits in the forked repository.

Tech-A-Thon Problem Statement