
This repository contains my work for the seminar IoT & Security organized by Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Bacceli at FU Berlin, including a paper and slides to the corresponding talk, held by me on 2019-01-24. In this I researched a comparison of Bluetooth Low Energy and IEEE 802.15.4 in order to present different, common attacks on both network stacks.


This paper provides a comparison between the communication protocols Bluetooth Low Energy and IEEE 802.15.4, commonly used in IoT networks. The architectures, especially the security mechanisms of both protocols are compared in order to present possible attack scenarios on these platforms. For this purpose, various studies are used which have analyzed both systems in order to summarize and differentiate attacks. Based on this research, possibilities of how to fight attacks are presented and compared. Bluetooth Low Energy is the more sophisticated alternative, while IEEE 802.15.4 depends on additional infrastructures for the same variety of possibilities and security mechanisms.