
An example of SparkConnect extension.

Primary LanguageJava

An example of extending SparkConnect Protocol

Link to the blog post


This project is written to work with a fresh (March, 2024) version of Apache Spark: 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT. There are a lot of reasons for it, it is detailed described inside a blog-post. It is hardly recommended to follow the blog-post text.

Experiment desing

This repository and the corresponding blog-post is trying to cover the topic of migration of PySpark extensions based on py4j to a "new spark" with decoupled architecture. Inside the code there is an answer to the question how to interact with JVM classes and objects from Python via SparkConnect protocol.


There are four main parts:

  1. A JVM library we are trying to call from PySpark via gRPC: link;
  2. A server-side plugins for SparkConnect written in Java: linl;
  3. A protobuf messages definition: link
  4. A PySpark client part: link

Future plans

I will try to improve this README.md file, also I'm going to clean the code a little.