Order Notification 📢

Webhook module magento to order notification created or updated


Using Modman

  • Make sure you have Modman installed

  • Allow symlinks for the templates directory (required for installations via Modman)

    • Use n98-magerun like pro: n98-magerun.phar dev:symlinks
    • Or just set 'Allow Symlinks' to 'Yes' from System - Configuration / Advanced / Developer / Template Settings
  • Install Notification Order module:

cd [magento root folder]
modman init
modman clone https://github.com/Send4BR/notification-order-magentov1.git
  • Flush Magento's cache


  • Download project
  • Copy folder Aftersale and paste in your project in app/code/community
  • Copy file Aftersale_NotificationOrder.xml and paste in app/etc/modules

How to update

cd [magento root folder]
modman update magneto-debug
  • Flush Magento's cache


You must configure ecommerce uiid and url webhook in configuration admin ORDER WEBHOOK

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