Web Servis Teknik Dokümanı

Table of Contents

Subject Page Number
Introduction 5
General Information 5
Generic Cargo Integration 6
Cargo Services 8
Request Parameters 9
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 14
Error Return Parameters 15
Request Parameters 16
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 16
Error Return Parameters 16
Request Parameters 16
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 16
Error Return Parameters 19
Request Parameters 20
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 21
Error Return Parameters 21
Request Parameters 22
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 22
Error Return Parameters 22
Request Parameters 22
Response Parameters (200 = Success) 24
Error Return Parameters 24
Details to Use on Services 25
Sendeo Status List 25
Sendeo List of Cities and Districts 27

Chart List

Figure 1 Login Method Swagger 5******

Figure 2 List of Cargo Services 8**

Figure 3 SetDelivery Request Parameters 13**

Figure4 SetDelivery products array 13**

Figure 5 SetDelivery Response Parameters (200 = Success) 14**

Figure 6 SetDelivery Error Return Parameters 15**

Figure 7 SetDelivery Exception Message 15**

Figure 8 CancelDelivery Faulty Return Parameters 16**

Figure 9 TrackDelivery Response Parameters (200 = Success) 17**

Figure 10 TrackDelivery products.array 18**

This document has been drafted for Sendeo web service integrations. It describes the web services to be used for the integration and the access to related services.

General Information

Sendeo services run via the link https://api.sendeo.com.tr. The link also provides the opportunity to view Swagger and service-related information. Using the services requires getting customer-based tokens. This information is taken through Token/LoginAES service on a customer basis. TLS 1.2 must be used for Access.

Figure 1 Login Method Swagger

There is a single test account for different customers in order to ensure easy monitoring of the integration tests both by the customer and Sendeo. Once tests are successfully completed, credentials (user name and password) to be used in the live environment should be requested from our Sales Team for "go-live".

Test ACCOUNT Information

“customer”: “TEST”

“password”: TesT.43e54

Generic Cargo Integration

The working principle for Sendeo cargo integration is the creation of the shipment by means pickup operation on the side of Sendeo by using the information submitted/provided by the client via web service for their outbound cargo.

With generic Web service integration, our client can perform the integration with a unique number (referenceNo) which the client creates the barcode on its own label or by generating Sendeo carriage barcode.

A unique number (referenceNo) is generated for shipment pickup. The client can track all states of the parcels/shipments using the unique number generated. The end user can track the shipment using the parametric tracking link received from the web service.

Generic Cargo Integration workflow:

  1. The client transfers their shipment-related data to Sendeo system using "setdelivery".
  2. The referenceNo info available within the data transferred to the system should be available on the barcode generated
  3. Prior to physical pickup, data can be cancelled using "cancelDelivery". Job orders for which pickup has been completed cannot be cancelled. Cancellation will not be possible since carriage has been started after the shipment creation.
  4. Pickup is performed by means of reading the referenceNo generated by our client at the pickup phase
  5. Following the shipment creation, the status of the shipment may be tracked with "trackdelivery" method
  6. For clients who have provided/submitted Quantity and Deci/Kg info, after the data is submitted through SETDELIVERY service, cargo quantity and deci info for the order which is sent through CARGOMEASUREMENTUPDATE service should be re-submitted. After SETDELIVERY, if no deci info is submitted via CARGOMEASUREMENTUPDATE service, then the operation will proceed by measuring-weighing the shipment itself.
  7. You can query the cityId and districtId information of the “SetDelivery” service from the “GetCityDistricts” service. You can access the city and district codes by querying the GetCityDistricts service by the name of the province or the name of the province/district. In case the relevant service is not used, access to our province and district codes via the province-district excel list in our technical document.

Cargo Services

Figure 2 List of Cargo Services

The cargo services offered for general use are above. Successful requests will return 200, failed/wrong requests will return error code 500 depending on the error message. It will return error 401 if authentication is not performed with token.

The main usage purposes of these services are briefly as follows:


It allows customers to submit requests to Sendeo and to create Shipment/Job Order.


It allows customers to submit requests to Sendeo and to track the pre-created Shipment using different data.


It allows customers to cancel the pre-created Shipment/Job Order by means of submitting a request to Sendeo.


It allows customers to update quantity and measurement data for the pre-created Shipment/Job Order by means of submitting a request to Sendeo.


It allows customers to get barcode using the tracking number for the pre-created Shipment/Job Order by means of submitting a request to Sendeo.


This is the service which allows customers to create shipment/job order on the side of Sendeo using specific data. It runs with POST method. Shipment/job order can be created in 6 different ways. These are:

  • DeliveryType 1: Your Location >> Your Client: This is used for shipments which are going from Location to the Client. If there are multiple locations and separate invoice will be issued for each of these locations, then it should be managed with different users. If the invoice will be issued to the Main Client, then deliveryType=3 should be used.
  • DeliveryType 2: Your Client >> Your Location: This is used for normal shipments from the Client to Location or for return shipment
  • DeliveryType 3: Your Supplier etc. >> Your Client
  • DeliveryType 4: Re-shipment order (????)
  • DeliveryType 5: Point of Delivery . This is used for shipments which will be delivered to Sendeo Point of Delivery
  • DeliveryType 6: Point of Return. This is used for shipments which will be picked up from Sendeo Point of Return

Our Clients can create shipments between all units they work with. You can also receive service as delivery and return point.

With City and District info which we shared in the technical document, the shipment will be delivered to the branch office for the relevant city-district.

Using the Ids provided to you as ID, you can target the branch info which you want to use for delivery and return point.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory Sample Value Description
DeliveryType integer Mandatory 1

It includes the above-mentioned Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 options. It indicates the point of collection and point of delivery of the shipment.

ReferenceNo string Non-Mandatory “sendeo-aygaz-12345” It includes the reference number which the clients use internally. Using this value, the shipments can be tracked and return requests can be created.
Description string Non-Mandatory “a shipment which includes a book about Sendeo” You can use this field if you wish to enter any special information or description about the shipment.
Sender string Variable “Ali Sendeo”

It includes sender client's title. Mandatory for deliveryType = 2,3.

This field will Not be filled for deliveryType = 1.

SenderId string Non-Mandatory Client code info on the side of Sendeo. If clients registered on the side of Sendeo are not used, then relevant field should not be submitted.
SenderAuthority string Non-Mandatory “Can Sendeo” It indicates sender client's official/contact person.
SenderBranchCode integer Variable 123 This is the mandatory field which must be sent in the return point operation. If deliveryType = 6 is not selected, then this field should be left empty.
SenderAddress string Mandatory TEST ADDRESS TEST ADDRESS It varies depending on the deliveryType data.
SenderCityId integer Mandatory 34 The city Id to come from the City table should be entered as sender client's city.
SenderDistrictId integer Mandatory 34139 The Id to come from the District table should be entered sender client's district.
senderPhone string Variable 2121234567

It indicates sender client's phone number. Ideally, the phone number is expected to be submitted with 10 digits in the form of xyz1234567.

Either of Phone or GSM fields must be sent.

SenderGSM string Variable 5361234567

It indicates sender client's GSM number. Ideally, the phone number is expected to be submitted with 10 digits in the form of 5xx1234567

Either of Phone or GSM fields must be sent.

SenderEmail string Non-Mandatory sendeo@sendeo.com It includes sender client's e-mail address.
Receiver string Variable “Ali Sendeo”

It includes receiver client's title. Mandatory for deliveryType = 1,3.

Not filled for deliveryType = 2.

ReceiverId string Variable In case DeliveryType=2, then receiverId is mandatory
ReceiverAuthority string Non-Mandatory “Can Sendeo” It indicates receiver client's official/contact person.
ReceiverBranchCode integer Variable 123 This is the mandatory field which must be sent in the delivery point operation. If deliveryType = 5 is not selected, then this field should be left empty.
ReceiverAddress string Variable “Kemerburgaz Caddesi Vadi İstanbul Park 7B Blok Kat:12 Sarıyer İstanbul”

Receiver client's address details should be entered.

It includes receiver client's title. Mandatory for deliveryType = 1,3.

Not filled for deliveryType = 2.

ReceiverCityId integer Mandatory 34 The city Id to come from the City table should be entered as receiver client's city.
ReceiverDistrictId integer Mandatory 34139 The ID to come from the District table should be entered receiver client's district.
receiverPhone string Variable 2121234567

It indicates receiver client's phone number. Ideally, the phone number is expected to be submitted with 10 digits in the form of xyz1234567.

Either of Phone or GSM fields must be sent.

ReceiverGSM string Variable 5361234567

It indicates receiver client's GSM number. Ideally, the phone number is expected to be submitted with 10 digits in the form of 5xx1234567

Either of Phone or GSM fields must be sent.

ReceiverEmail string Non-Mandatory sendeo@sendeo.com It includes receiver client's e-mail address
PaymentType integer Mandatory 1 As a standard, 1 should be entered.
CollectionType integer Mandatory 0

It shows the payment type for cargos with payment on delivery:

0 – Cargo without payment on delivery

1 – Cash

2 – Credit Card

CollectionPrice double Mandatory 0 It shows how much you will collect from the client for cargos with payment on delivery. The amount to be collected should be sent. If CollectionType value is 0, CollectionPrice should be 0.
dispatchNoteNumber string Non-Mandatory “1a2b3-SendeO” It covers the dispatch serial and number which you created for the client. If entry is available, it is possible to query the shipments accordingly.
ServiceType integer Mandatory 1

It indicates the service type. Default 1 should be sent excluding special operations.

barcodeLabelType integer Mandatory 1

It indicates the printing type for the barcode label which you will get at the service return.

1 – Base64

2 – ZPL

3 – ZPLs

The detail of the shipment info received as array. While you can send this as total count/quantity, you can also send in different ways by detailing your shipments.

It is necessary that it should not be sent as zero (0)

customerReferenceType string Non-Mandatory A123 This is the field which allows the client to enter more details for situations where referenceNo field is not sufficient to allocate reference-based shipment as per the client business mechanism.

Figure 3 SetDelivery Request Parameters

products array
Count Integer Mandatory 2 It indicates the count/quantity of shipments. Count/quantity should be entered for each detail. Barcode number will be generated as many as the count total.
ProductCode String Non-Mandatory It should be sent as empty string.
Description string Non-Mandatory

Product-related description

It should be sent as empty string.

Deci integer Non-Mandatory 20

It includes deci info of the shipment packages. It is used together with Count. If not submitted, Sendeo Operation performs the measurement.

If you have a single shipment, 2 packages, one being 3 deci and the other being 4 deci:

- count : 1, deci : 4

- count : 1, deci : 3

will be sent.

If single shipment is composed of two boxes of 5 deci:

- count : 2, deci : 5

will be sent.

Weigth integer Non-Mandatory It indicates the weight of shipment parcels.
DeciWeight integer Non-Mandatory It indicates the deci/weight value of the shipment parcels.
Price double Mandatory

Figure4 SetDelivery products array

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

Parameter Type Sample Value Description
TrackingNumber string 9124356789047 Tracking number of the job order/shipment created
TrackingUrl string https://sube.sendeo.com.tr/takip?ccode=111111&musref=sendeo-aygaz-12345 Tracking URL for the job order/shipment created. Once job orders are turned into a shipment, the tracking URL will be active.
Barcode string Base64 barcode sample will return It includes the returning Base64 barcode for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 1.
BarcodeZpl string ZPL barcode sample will return It includes the returning ZPL Zebra barcode for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 2.
BarcodeNumbers string Barcode number for the shipment It includes barcode numbers for the shipment.
BarcodeZpls string ZPL returns as detail array It includes multiple ZPL of the products for the shipment returning for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 3.

Figure 5 SetDelivery Response Parameters (200 = Success)

Error Return Parameters

Parameter Type Sample Value Description
RequestId string f1d6d72c-643b-4a40-a142-d61b47f01187 Unique ID on the system for the request submitted
ExceptionMessage string 102 The message returning with regard to the error code of the submitted request

Figure 6 SetDelivery Error Return Parameters

ExceptionMessage statusCode Action
Delivery Reference No Cannot be Null. 102 ReferenceNo field must be filled
Wrong Delivery Type 103 DeliveryType info should not be sent other than what is provided in the document
Products Cannot Be Null 104 Product Array should not be empty
Payment Type Is Not Correct. 411 PaymentType field must be filled
Collection Type Not Found 105 CollectionType must be provided
Product Price Cannot Be Zero. 410 In case CollectionType is different than zero, productPrice should be different than zero
Receiver Cannot Be Null 201 Receiver field must be filled
Please Enter Receiver Phone or GSM Number 207 Receiver's phone or GSM field must be filled
Receiver Address Cannot Be Null 202 Receiver address field must be filled
Receiver District Id Cannot Be Zero. 203 Receiver's district ID field must be filled
Receiver City Id Cannot Be Zero. 204 Receiver City Code field must be filled
Receiver City Id is Not Correct. 205 Receiver city code is incorrect
Receiver District Id is Not Correct. 206 Receiver's district ID is incorrect
Sender Cannot Be Null. 301 Sender field must be filled as per the deliveryType
Please Enter Sender Phone or GSM Number 307 Sender's phone or GSM field must be filled as per the deliveryType
Sender Address Cannot Be Null. 302 Sender's address field must be filled as per the deliveryType
Sender District Id Cannot Be Zero. 303 Sender's district field must be filled as per the deliveryType
Sender City Id Cannot Be Zero. 304 Sender City code must be filled as per the deliveryType
Sender City Id is Not Correct. 305 Sender's city code is incorrect as per the deliveryType
Sender District Id is Not Correct. 306 Sender's district code is incorrect as per the deliveryType

Figure 7 SetDelivery Exception Message


The shipment may be cancelled using the tracking number (trackingNumber) or Reference Number (referenceNo) entered by the clients. The products not received by Sendeo cannot be cancelled. Delivered shipments cannot be cancelled. (In case of status 101, shipment can be cancelled)

It runs with POST method.

Request Parameters

It gets trackingNumber or referenceNo parameters as a query string through URL.

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

When cancellation is successful, the response will return IsSuccess = true.

Error Return Parameters

ExceptionMessage statusCode Action
Please Enter Tracking Number or Reference Number. 701 TrackingNumber or referenceNumber must be submitted for cancellation
No Delivery Found. 702 The job order for which a cancellation request is sent was not found in the system.
You Cannot Cancel , Delivery Has Already Sent. 703 Cancellation is not possible because pickup is in progress

Figure 8 CancelDelivery Faulty Return Parameters


It will return details of the shipment. The shipment can be tracked using the trackingNo the client has or the referenceNo entered by the client.

It runs with GET method.

Request Parameters

It gets trackingNumber or referenceNo parameters as a query string through URL.

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

Parameter Type Sample Value Description
TrackingNo integer 912345678 Tracking number of the job order/shipment created
ReferenceNo string sendeo-aygaz-12345 The reference number identified on the side of the client for the job order/shipment created
SendDate string 02/02/2022 16:55:03 The date when the created job order/shipment is sent
Receiver string Ali Sendeo Receiver info
CargoAmount double 10.03 Pricing info for the shipment (including VAT)
Sender string Ali Sendeo Sender info
State integer 105 Unique ID for the status which indicates the status of the shipment
StateText string Loaded to Line Vehicle Information about the status of the shipment
UpdateDate string 04/02/2022 10:00:27 Update date for the last status change of the shipment
DeliveryDescription string TM Line Loading Information about the process of the shipment
DealerId integer 851 Unique ID of Sendeo receiving branch for the shipment
DeciWeight integer 20 Shipment deci/kg
Quantity integer 1 The number of packages within the shipment
TotalPrice double 8.50 Cargo price for the shipment
departureBranchName string İLKADIM DM Name of the sending Sendeo branch for the shipment
ArrivalBranchName string DÖRTYOL DN Arrival Sendeo branch name for the shipment
deliveryPlannedDate string 2022-02-04T16:55:17.3590867+03:00 Planned delivery date

Figure 9 TrackDelivery Response Parameters (200 = Success)

products array
Count integer 2 The number of packages within the shipment
ProductCode string kitapSendeo Product code for stock shipments
Description string 3 books Product description for stock shipments
Price double 8.50 Package price for the shipment

Figure 10 TrackDelivery products.array

statusHistories array
StatusDate integer 2 Status dates for the status history of the shipment
StatusId string 106 Unique ID of the status change for the shipment
Status string TM Line Unloading Name of the status change for the shipment
Description string TM Line Unloading Detail of the status change for the shipment

Error Return Parameters


The service which is used to update the measurement values of the pre-created shipment using SETDELIVERY method It will return details of the shipment. The shipment can be tracked using the trackingNo the client has or the referenceNo entered by the client.

It runs with POST method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory Sample Value Description
customerReferenceNo string Mandatory 1 It includes the above-mentioned Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 options. It indicates the point of collection and point of delivery of the shipment.
measurements array
quantity integer Mandatory 2 It allows updating the number of packages within the shipment
Width integer Mandatory 15 0 can be sent
Length integer Mandatory 10 0 can be sent
Height Integer Mandatory 20 0 can be sent
Deci double Mandatory 2.0
weight double Mandatory 1.0 0.0 can be sent

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

When measurement update is successful, the response will return IsSuccess = true.

Error Return Parameters


The service which helps get the barcode for the shipment created before with SETDELIVERY method using the tracking number with SETDELIVERY method.

It runs with POST method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory Sample Value Description
trackingNumber integer Mandatory 912345678 Tracking number of the shipment whose barcode is requested

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

Parameter Type Sample Value Description
barcode string It includes the barcode of the shipment.

Error Return Parameters


The service which helps get the barcode for the shipment pre-created with SETDELIVERY METHOD using barcode type and reference number.

It runs with POST method.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory Sample Value Description
barcodeLabelType integer Mandatory 1 It indicates the barcode type which is requested to get.
referenceNo integer Mandatory 8880000793512692 It is the shipment reference number.

Response Parameters (200 = Success)

Parameter Type Sample Value Description
TrackingNumber string 912345678 Tracking number of the job order/shipment created
ShipmentId int 122425 Shipment Id
TrackingUrl string https://sube.sendeo.com.tr/takip?ccode=111111&musref=sendeo-aygaz-12345 Tracking URL for the job order/shipment created. Once job orders are turned into a shipment, the tracking URL will be active.
Barcode string Base64 barcode sample will return It includes the returning Base64 barcode for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 1.
BarcodeZpl string ZPL barcode sample will return It includes the returning ZPL Zebra barcode for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 2.
BarcodeNumbers string Barcode number for the shipment It includes barcode numbers for the shipment.
BarcodeZpls string ZPL returns as detail array It includes multiple ZPL of the products for the shipment returning for the request submitted with barcodeLabelType 3.

Error Return Parameters

exceptionMessage statusCode Action

Details to Use on Services

Sendeo Status List

statusId statusName statusDescription
101 Cargo Shipping Order Received Job Order Received
102 Document Issued Shipment Created
103 Branch TM Loading Departed from the Departure Branch
104 TM Branch Unloading At the Point of Delivery
105 TM Line Loading Loaded to Line Vehicle
106 TM Line Unloading Unloaded from Line Vehicle
107 TM Branch Loading Loaded to the Branch from Transfer Center
108 Branch TM Unloading Unloaded to the Transfer Center
109 Branch Distribution Loading Departed for Distribution
110 Branch Distribution Unloading Branch Distribution Unloading
111 Delivered Delivered
112 Receiver Phone Incorrect Receiver Phone Incorrect
113 Return Request Return Request
114 Receiver Absent at the Address Receiver Absent at the Address
115 Receiver Address Incorrect Receiver Address Incorrect
117 Damaged Shipment Damaged Shipment
118 Lost Cargo Lost Cargo
119 Transfer Transfer
120 Short Delivery Short Delivery
121 Out of Distribution Area Out of Distribution Area
122 Payment Type Rejected Payment Type Rejected
123 Delivery on Appointment Delivery on Appointment
124 Mobile Distribution Region Mobile Distribution Region
125 Short Cargo Short Cargo
126 Routing Routing
127 Line Vehicle Delay Line Vehicle Delay
128 Adverse Weather Conditions Adverse Weather Conditions
129 Carriage Cost Found Expensive Carriage Cost Found Expensive
130 Not Delivered Not Delivered
131 Returned Shipment Returned Shipment
132 Measurement / Weighing Measurement / Weighing Completed
133 Cancelled Shipment Cancelled Shipment
134 Return Approved Return Request Approved
135 Job Order Return Shipment Returned with Job Order
136 Return Rejected Rejected by client
137 Pick-up on Appointment Client Scheduled an Appointment
138 Shipment Received Shipment Received
139 Cancel Job Order Cancel Job Order
140 Courier on Delivery Courier on Delivery
141 Debited by Courier Debited by Courier
142 Courier Released from Debit Courier releases from debit
143 Lost Cargo Lost Cargo Job Order
151 Delivery as a Return Delivery as a Return

Sendeo List of Cities and Districts

List of cities and districts can be found in the Excel file attached.

Cities and Districts List

Examples of Delivery Types 1 , 2 and 3

**It will reflect areas according to customer needs. Shared as an example.

Deliverytype 1 Sample

Deliverytype 3 Sample


Status Id StatusName StatusDescription
101 Cargo Shipping Order Received Job Order Received
102 Document Issued Shipment Created
103 Branch TM Loading Departed from the Departure Branch
104 TM Branch Unloading At the Point of Delivery
105 TM Line Loading Loaded to Line Vehicle
106 TM Line Unloading Unloaded from Line Vehicle
107 TM Branch Loading Loaded to the Branch from Transfer Center
108 Branch TM Unloading Unloaded to the Transfer Center
109 Branch Distribution Loading Departed for Distribution
110 Branch Distribution Unloading Branch Distribution Unloading
111 Delivered Delivered
112 Receiver Phone Incorrect Receiver Phone Incorrect
113 Return Request Return Request
114 Receiver Absent at the Address Receiver Absent at the Address
115 Receiver Address Incorrect Receiver Address Incorrect
117 Damaged Shipment Damaged Shipment
118 Lost Cargo Lost Cargo
119 Transfer Transfer
120 Short Delivery Short Delivery
121 Out of Distribution Area Out of Distribution Area
122 Payment Type Rejected Payment Type Rejected
123 Delivery on Appointment Delivery on Appointment
124 Mobile Distribution Region Mobile Distribution Region
125 Short Cargo Short Cargo
126 Routing Routing
127 Line Vehicle Delay Line Vehicle Delay
128 Adverse Weather Conditions Adverse Weather Conditions
129 Carriage Cost Found Expensive Carriage Cost Found Expensive
130 Not Delivered Not Delivered
131 Returned Shipment Returned Shipment
132 Measurement / Weighing Measurement / Weighing Completed
133 Cancelled Shipment Cancelled Shipment
134 Return Approved Return Request Approved
135 Job Order Return Shipment Returned with Job Order
136 Return Rejected Rejected by client
137 Pick-up on Appointment Client Scheduled an Appointment
138 Shipment Received Shipment Received
139 Cancel Job Order Cancel Job Order
140 Courier on Delivery Courier on Delivery
141 Debited by Courier Debited by Courier
142 Courier Released from Debit Courier releases from debit
143 Lost Cargo Lost Cargo Job Order
151 Delivery as a Return Delivery as a Return