
A WebRTC-GW for noor based on Kamailio and rtpengine

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

some notes::::

  • don't forget to place SSL certs from the caddy data dir in the ssl dir here.
  • for some reason caddy doesn't like running on 4443 or whatever so copy those same certs there in caddy formats and stuff
  • public ips are hardcoded so take that into account plz. thanks!


A SIP over WebSocket - SIP gateway for the AVM Fritz!Box based on Kamailio and rtpengine.

This gateway allows any SIP user of your Fritz!Box to perform calls with SIP over WebSocket, which is unsupported by the Fritz!Box.

Important Information

The domain of the SIP server is “hard-coded” to fritz.box.

To connect to the SIP over WebSocket from mobile clients like Android & iOS, it is required that you use TLS. webrtc-sip-gw will enable it’s internal TLS by default and therefore requires a certificate, but you can disable the internal TLS if you want to use a proxy like nginx instead.

Internal TLS

Unless internal TLS is not explicitly disabled, TLS certificate and private key are required at these (container internal) paths:

  • certificate: /etc/ssl/fullchain.pem
  • private key: /etc/ssl/privkey.pem

The provided docker-compose file includes mounts for these two files.

nginx Reverse Proxy

Instead of using the internal TLS and therefore needing to provide a certificate, you can use an existing nginx reverse proxy.

Just add this location block to a valid server configuration:

    location /sip {
        proxy_pass          ; # Adjust to your webrtc-sip-gw Docker host's IP
        proxy_http_version            1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade      $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection   "upgrade";
        proxy_read_timeout            86400;


SIP over WebSocket is exposed on TCP ports 8090 (unsecured) and, if internal TLS is enabled, 4443 (secured). Additionally, UDP ports 23400-23500 are exposed by rtpengine.

If you use any firewall, these ports need to be open!

Container Setup Guide

Directory & Docker Compose File

Create a new directory on your Docker host and place the docker-compose.yml there.

If you want to disable the internal TLS, set the value of the TLS_DISABLE environment variable in the docker-compose file to true:

Unless you have not explicitly disabled TLS:

  • cd into the new directory.
  • Create a ssl folder.


The certificate should be placed in the ssl directory and named sipgw.crt. The private key should also be placed on the ssl directory and named sipgw.key.

The certificate needs to be installed and trusted on your clients.

You can either use a certificate from a (public or private) CA or generate your own self-signed certificate.

Using OpenSSL to Generate Self-Signed Certificates

OpenSSL is packaged for most Linux distributions, installing it should be as simple as:

sudo apt install openssl

OpenSSL can be told to generate a 2048 bit long RSA key and a certificate that is valid for 825 days, but there are some important requirements:

  • You have any hostname for the CN (common name) of the certificate. Enter this hostname when OpenSSL asks for Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:. It is not required that the server can be reached under this hostname, but the certificate must have a hostname as CN.
  • Replace <IP-ADDRESS> with your server's IP address.
  • Replace <ADDITIONAL-HOSTNAME> with another hostname the certificate should be valid for, or delete ,DNS:<ADDITIONAL-HOSTNAME>.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 825 -newkey rsa:2048 -addext 'subjectAltName=IP:<IP-ADDRESS>,DNS:<ADDITIONAL-HOSTNAME>' -addext 'keyUsage = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment' -addext 'extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth' -keyout ./ssl/sipgw.key -out ./ssl/sipgw.crt

This certificate follows the Requirements for trusted certificates in iOS 13 and macOS 10.15. Key usage and extended key usage are set as defined in RFC5280.

You will be prompted for some information which you will need to fill out for the certificate, please remember to fill in a hostname when it asks for Common Name.

Container Start-Up

Execute the following:

sudo docker-compose up -d

The following error messages can be ignored during startup:

ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2887]: send_rtpp_command(): can’t send command „ping“ to RTPEngine <udp:>
ERROR: rtpengine [rtpengine.c:2788]: rtpp_test(): proxy did not respond to ping

Client Setup Guide

Install & Trust Certificate on Clients

Copy the sipgw.crt (only this file, not the key!) to your clients and open the file.

On Android and Windows, a popup with a certificate installation wizard should open up.

On iOS/iPadOS, a popup that tells you to visit the settings should open up. Visit the settings as told and proceed.

openHAB MainUI Setup

Using the oh-sipclient component or widget, use the following configuration:

  • websocketUrl: wss://YOUR-DOCKER-HOST:4443
  • domain: fritz.box
  • username: any valid SIP user in your Fritz!Box
  • password: password of your valid SIP user


Thanks to @havfo for sharing the configuration files on havfo/WEBRTC-to-SIP. Huge thanks to @nanosonde for initially creating this project.