
Set of epic and awesome short, simple, clean, modular, transparent and VIM-ORIENTED zsh plugins

Primary LanguageShell


Epic-zsh-plugins are a set of epic and awesome short, simple, clean, modular, transparent and VIM-ORIENTED zsh plugins that improve the basic behavior of the Zsh in several ways.


Using Antigen:

To install all plugins, add the following line to your .zshrc:

	antigen bundle Seninha/Epic-zsh-plugins

To install a single plugin (like vimBindkeys), add the following line to your .zshrc:

	antigen bundle Seninha/Epic-zsh-plugins/vimBindkeys

Manually Install:

You must clone the git repository and source the file init.zsh manually:

	git clone http://github.com/Seninha/Epic-zsh-plugins

Plugin Index


Basic aliases to ls, file management aliases, suffix aliases and MUCH MORE. See:

  • If you type just something.c in your terminal, the default editor defined by the variable $EDITOR will open, and will edit the file something.c (if doesn't exist the variable $EDITOR, it opens vim)

  • If you try to execute a .exe file, it opens this file with wine

  • If you type just www.google.com in your terminal, the default browser defined by the fariable $BROWSER will open in the google page (if doesn't exist the variable $BROWSER, it opens firefox)

  • ls is colorful, shows directories first, uses quoting style, is human redable, and uses filetype indicator

  • ll is a alias to ls -l (listing mode)

  • lr is a alias to ls -R (recursive mode)

  • la is a alias to ls -a (show all files)

  • mv, rm and cp commands are interactive and can works with directories


Complete commands, arguments, files, manpages and more.

Lists possible completions in a menu and you can scroll through the options using movement keys like Arrow Keys, Vim hjkl, PG Up, PG Down, Home and End


Some history improvement, like history appending.


Load some zsh modules (for now just complist and mathfunc)


Set several zsh options:

  • Automatically cd when just a path is given in the terminal;

  • If cd argument isn't a valid directory, consider it as a variable;

  • Append history rather than replace it;


Use Bash-like and Emacs-like bindkeys for movement and modify the text while in insertion mode. But uses several vim-like bindkeys while in command mode. And add some feats:

  • Up and Down searchs for history entries that starts with the beggining of current line;

  • Home, End, Backspace and Delete work as expected;

  • PG Up and PG Down go to the beginning and to the end of history, respectively.

Plugins philosophy

The plugins were written according to the Unix Philosophy. Some writing code rules are the following (others rules can be read Here):

  • Simplicity: Each plugin do one thing and do it well. E.g. one plugin that just add alias, other that just set bindkeys, and so on.

  • Clarity: The plugin's code is readable and comprehensible for whoever works on the code in the future.

  • Transparency: Each plugin is designed for visibility and discoverability by writing in a way that the code can lucidly be seen and understood by anyone.