
An API that provides access to the game Transformice.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Transformice's API written in Lua (5.1▲) using the Luvit runtime environment


Transformice is an online independent multiplayer free-to-play platform video game created by the French company Atelier801.

Luvit is an open-source, asynchronous I/O Lua runtime environment that makes requests and connections possible for the Lua programming language.

Transfromage API is a documented API that allows developers to make bots for the aforementioned game.

Join the Fifty Shades of Lua discord server to discuss about this API and to receive special support.

You can also check out Fromage API for Atelier801's forum.

This API had many indirect contributors, including @Tocutoeltuco, @Useems, @Turkitutu, @Athesdrake and the python version of Transfromage API.

/!\ v8.1.0 has undocumented changes and is a quick patch to keep the API working. A new, better, version of the API is under development and will be released soon.


To use this API and authenticate your account ingame, you will need to apply to this form.

If you get accepted, you will be able to choose an account (except your main account) to get the bot role in game - and thus, being able to use our API.

See below to know the names of Transfromage managers who handles the system.

  • Tocutoeltuco @discord=> Tocutoeltuco#0018 212634414021214209;
  • Blank3495 @discord=> 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪 󠂪󠂪#8737 436703225140346881;
  • Bolodefchoco @discord=> Lautenschlager#2555 285878295759814656.


  • To install Luvit, visit https://luvit.io and follow the instructions provided for your platform.
    • If you face problems installing it on Windows, please use Get-Lit
  • To install Transfromage, run lit install Lautenschlager-id/transfromage
  • Run your bot script using luvit, for example: luvit bot.lua
If you are new and can't follow these steps, please consider using MyFirstBot.zip that has been premade with the executables and the API.
(4MB) Windows | Linux

API Update

To update the API automatically all you need to do is to create a file named autoupdate in the bot's path.
You can create it running cd. > autoupdate (for Windows) or touch autoupdate (for Linux);

The update will overwrite all the old files and dependencies.

For semi-automatic updates (which asks for your permission before updating), create the file semiautoupdate instead.


The best way to contribute to this API is by donating creating pull requests with bug fixes and new events / methods (like joining the map editor, getting a map XML, loading Lua...)

Read CONTRIBUTING to learn about how you can contribute to the API.

Base example

You can check more examples here.
local api = require("transfromage")
local client = api.client()

client:once("ready", function()
	client:connect("Username#0000", "password")

client:start("PLAYER_ID", "API_TOKEN")
Suggestion for reconnection on login failure
client:on("ready", function()
	client:connect("Username#0000", "password")

client:on("connectionFailed", function()
	client:start("PLAYER_ID", "API_TOKEN")
