
docker images for running tests in a CI environment

Primary LanguageShell


Docker images for running CI tests in isolated containers.

For now this is a single image.

Environment Options

Key Possible Values Description
MYSQL 1 Starts MySQL Server
POSTGRESQL 1 Starts PostgreSQL Server
MEMCACHED 1 Starts memcached Server
XVFB 1 Starts Xvfb on display :99
ELIXIR 1.0.5 Installs elixir 1.0.5 including hex and rebar
RUBY 2.2.2 Switches to ruby 2.2.2 before running ci_run.sh

Example Usage

in porkchop's work directory

cat > ci_run.sh <<EOF
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rspec
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace -v /tmp/ci_cache:/cache -e POSTGRESQL=1 freerunning/frt-ci

Advanced Usage

If you specify additional arguments after the image, they will be interpreted as commands to run instead of the run_test script. The following will drop you in a shell as the ci user (ENV however, will not be setup correctly).

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace -v /tmp/ci_cache:/cache -e POSTGRESQL=1 freerunning/frt-ci /bin/bash

If instead you want to run commands as the root user, before services have been started, the ENTRYPOINT can be overridden

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace -v /tmp/ci_cache:/cache -e POSTGRESQL=1 --entrypoint=/bin/bash freerunning/frt-ci