
This project is created on top of openGL, and is ready to execute your particle shader. The repo by itself contains only sources, but you can find the build with example shader in the release archieve.

Example of what you can create

How to work with it?

So, at first you need to look at shaders/1.glsl and notice how shader is construced. And when you are ready to write your own shader, you can modify whole vertex shader, but in most cases it is recommended to write custom code only in mutable section.


of the latest version

  • press button 1 to load vertex shader from path shaders/1.glsl

  • press button 2 to load vertex shader from path shaders/2.glsl

  • and so on...

  • ctrl+s - save particles state

  • ctrl+l - load particles state

  • ctrl+c - clear

  • space - pause / play

  • up arrow - raise fps limit

  • down arrow - reduce fps limit

  • (mouse wheel) zoom

  • (left mouse button) drag field

  • (left mouse button + any particles selected) drag selected

  • (right mouse button) select area

  • (delete) remove selected

  • (shift) show spawn prediction

  • (left mouse button + shift) spawn particles

  • (wheel + shift) change spawn radius

  • (right mouse button + shift) change spawn dencity