Unfinished NES Emulator.
Core CPU Emulation is pretty much done, everything else are quick hacks. It runs Donkey Kong at an awkward speed, but that's about it. Next steps should be debugging (What's the matter with emulation speed? Why is Ice Climbers not working - at all?) and mappers implementation, but motivation is eluding me.
- Debug
- Speed
- Crashing mapper 000 games
- PPU Scrolling / Sprite Zero Hit (Super Mario Bros. freezes)
Controls- Complete memory mapping (and cartridge)
IRQ- Page crossing timing (+1 if page boundery is crossed)
- Branch instructions timing (if branch, +1 on same page, +2 on different page)
- (Unofficial opcodes timing)
- (Some unofficial opcodes)
- Nametable mapping/mirroring (via cartridge?)
- Palette 0 (Backdrop color),
palettes 0x3F04/0x3F08/0x3F0C and mirror palettes - Correct PPU Scrolling
Attributes (Color Palettes)Sprites- (Correct Video Emulation?)
- SFML 2.X (http://www.sfml-dev.org/) for graphical output and input handling.
- imgui-sfml
- JSON for Modern C++ (https://github.com/nlohmann/json)