
Beginner board designed by Sensa for beginners to get into electronics and programming


BeginnerBoard designed by SENSA for beginners to get into electronics and programming.

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The BeginnerBoard has all the necessary components to get started with Arduino from beginner to advanced level.

Segments and components

  • Power Segment
    • Input of 7V-25V
    • 7805 regulator (output current of 1.5A)
  • Arduino NANO
    • One of the most popular Arduino boards with 5V logic
  • Debug Segment
    • 3x LEDs
    • 2x Push Buttons or 1x Encoder
    • 1x POT
  • Relay Segment
    • Simple switch relay
    • Adjustable 5V/12V supply
  • Stepper Segment
    • Powered by L293D using both drivers
    • Custom input voltage with diode protection
  • Dual Motor Segment
    • Powered by L293D
    • Custon input voltage or Input of 7V-25V from Power Segment
  • Pinout for I2C

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