A language-agnostic coding standard.
The objective is to develop code and applications efficiently and with discipline, ensuring the following qualities :
- Adequate : Meets user needs perfectly.
- Efficient : Minimizes processing and waiting times, reducing frustration and maximizing productivity.
- Attractive : Provides a visually appealing interface.
- Ergonomic : Offers an intuitive and productive user experience.
- Robust : Remains stable, even in poor connectivity conditions.
- Secure : Protects data from loss, corruption, theft, or hacking.
- Maintainable : Can be easily fixed or improved by any team member.
- Extensible : Allows new features to be added easily through reusable components.
- Consistent : Appears as though designed and implemented by a single developer.
This coding standard emphasizes self-documenting code and prioritizes readability over compactness by :
- Prohibiting the use of cryptic acronyms, abbreviations, prefixes, or suffixes.
- Requiring class names to be part of the attributes and variable names.
Be a source of order, not chaos.
Always leave the code in a better state than you found it, so even if you're in a hurry :
- Immediately fix any design or implementation flaws you encounter, because if you do not, no one else will, and technical debt will accumulate, eventually crippling the entire project.
- Continue writing clean, maintainable code to limit software entropy, which will help you ship faster by sustaining high productivity as the project grows in size and complexity.
- Resist the temptation to write quick-and-dirty code, or you'll lose more time debugging and fixing it later.
Never waste performance, or poor performance will eventually come back to haunt you :
- Avoid repeating expensive operations like database queries at close intervals.
- Use short-term caches to reuse recent results of expensive operations.
- Don’t use original images and videos directly.
- Use only highly compressed images with smaller dimensions.
- Use dictionaries to avoid iterating multiple times over large arrays.
- Use efficient algorithms and data structures.
Design before you code by quickly drafting :
- A short text or UI flow to optimize the user interface before implementation.
- A brief document or database design to optimize the data architecture before implementation.
- A short description or component design outlining the application's structure to optimize the component architecture before implementation.
- A brief usage example or test code to optimize the component interface before implementation.
Develop programs incrementally, starting with the data components and adding external features one at a time.
Do not over-engineer your code, choose simple, modular designs that can be easily extended.
Do not repeat yourself, create reusable code and components that can be used across multiple projects.
Develop the application and its components with simple, efficient, and maintainable code that :
- Is stable and robust.
- Is easy to understand on its own, without requiring comments or additional context.
- Can be easily extended and debugged by any team member.
- Minimizes dependencies on external libraries, in line with a minimalist approach.
- Minimizes memory, CPU, disk, and network usage, ensuring quick load times and high performance even on low-end hardware.
- Minimizes software entropy by maintaining an orderly structure and fully adhering to coding standards.
Instead of adding comments to explain the code's intent, refactor the code to make that intent clear by :
- Using clear, consistent, and unambiguous names for all classes, attributes, functions, parameters, and variables.
- Using local variables to store intermediate results.
- Breaking down long functions into smaller, sequenced functions.
- Keeping functions focused so they only perform the task their name suggests, and nothing more.
- Writing readable, English-like code that even a child could understand.
Ensure the application is resilient to external conditions (e.g., network failures, missing or corrupted files).
Validate method parameters using assertions in debug builds.
For performance optimization, prioritize :
- Public attributes over getters and setters.
- Public non-virtual methods.
- Virtual methods over delegates.
- State classes over coroutines.
Use private attributes and methods only when necessary.
Create automated unit tests for all your code.
Only push stable changes after thoroughly testing them.
Develop features on their own branches.
Merge the feature branch changes into the develop branch and test them rigorously to ensure that they do not cause downtime or data loss.
Merge the develop branch changes into the release branch and test them again.
Merge the release branch changes into the master branch and test them once more.
Always use the concise functions provided by the project's high-level libraries, rather than directly calling the underlying low-level functions, to maintain readability and consistency in the code.
Keep the project as simple as possible, continuously removing unnecessary complexity in line with the "Less is more" philosophy.
Regularly update the project to the latest stable versions of all tools and dependencies it relies on.
- Write simple and efficient self-documenting code, where the intent of each line of code is perfectly obvious without any comment or context.
- Write short functions and methods which use clear non-ambiguous names for all type, function, variable and constant identifiers.
- Split your styling code using section comments : IMPORTS, CONSTANTS, VARIABLES, FUNCTIONS, MIXINS, FONTS, ELEMENTS, CLASSES.
- Use Unix line endings.
- Use four spaces per indentation level and no tabulations.
- Put braces on their own line and align them vertically.
- Put JavaScript multiline return values in parentheses.
- Indent the content of braces, brackets and parentheses by four spaces.
- Indent closing brackets and parentheses by four spaces.
- Add exactly a space after: { [ ( if while for.
- Add exactly a space before: } ] ).
- No space between: {} [] ().
- Add an empty line before: if while for return.
- Split multiline arrow functions after the => operator.
- No empty line after { [ ( and before } ] )
- No consecutive empty lines.
- Do not use single letter variable names like a, b, i, j, n (except for x, y, z, w vector components).
- Use explicit identifiers without any abbreviated word (except for Id, Uuid, Tuid suffixes) : productCount, productArray.
- Use the class name in the variable names : addedProductId, productArray.
- Use the key name in the map names : messageByDateMap.
- Use the singular form in all identifiers (messageArray, messageByDateMap), except for functions (getMessages) and booleans (hasMessages).
- Use standard variable prefixes : first, last, post, prior, next, old, new, initial, final, minimum, maximum.
- Use standard variable suffixes : Index, Count, Array, Map, Id, Uuid, Tuid, Code, Name, Text, Time, Path.
- Use standard path suffixes : FolderPath, FilePath, FileName, FileLabel, FileExtension.
- Use standard function prefixes : get, find, is, has, clear, set, add, remove, start, stop, begin, end, enter, exit, open, close, read, write, enable, disable.
- Write all type identifiers in PascalCase : Product, ProductImage.
- Write all function, variable and constant identifiers in camelCase : product, productImage, productIndex, productCount, productArray, productByIdMap.
- Write each function parameter on its own line.
- Do not add an ending comma to array literals.
- Declare standard functions and methods instead of arrow functions.
- Use arrow functions only as call arguments.
- Declare HTML attributes in this order : id, class, style, data-, tag-specific, on.
- Order classes from low to high level : class="icon green-search-icon product-filter-button".
- Do not use quotes for evaluated HTML attributes : placeholder={ ... }.
- Use double quotes for HTML attributes : id="..." class="..." style="..." data-name="..." src="..." on:click={ ... }.
- Use single quotes for string literals.
- Use pre-incrementations and pre-decrementations : ++productIndex, --messageCount.
- Use strict equality operators : ===, !==.
- Test variables against a constant instead of using a falsy test : !== undefined, !== null, !== 0, !== ''.
- Use let to declare scope variables.
- Only use const to declare global constants.
- Use the script/style/HTML order in Svelte components.
- Immediately fix all warnings and errors that you see during compilation or in the runtime console.
- In Dart, write null safe code, using null values only where required (optional arguments, etc).
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
export let value = undefined;
export let valueArray = [ value ];
export onChange = () => {};
let valueCount = valueArray.length;
// -- TYPES
class Being
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
// ~~
class Person
extends Being
super( name, age );
this.weight = weight;
return age;
// ~~
return `Hello, my name is ${ this.name }, I'm ${ this.age } years old and I weight ${ this.weight } kilograms.`;
this.age = age;
// ~~
if ( age > 0
&& age < 50
&& ( age < 20
|| age > 40 ) )
this.age = age * 2;
else if ( age > 20
&& age < 40
&& ( age < 25
|| age > 35 ) )
this.age = age * 0.5;
this.age = age + 10;
function getFruitText(
let fruitText = '';
for ( let fruitName of fruitNameArray )
if ( fruitText !== '' )
fruitText += ', ';
fruitText += fruitName;
return fruitText;
// ~~
function getAgeInterval(
if ( sortedPersonArray.length === 0 )
return null;
return (
firstAge: sortedPersonArray[ 0 ].age,
lastAge: sortedPersonArray[ sortedPersonArray.length - 1 ].age
let fruitNameArray =
let book =
title: 'SvelteKit for Beginners',
author: 'John Doe',
year: 2023
let numberArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
let doubledNumberArray = numberArray.map( n => n * 2 );
let bookText = '';
let messageCount = 5;
for ( let messageIndex = 0;
messageIndex < messageCount;
++messageIndex )
bookText += messageIndex + ': ' + book.title + '<br/>';
if ( book.year >= 2022 )
bookText += 'The book is recent!<br/>';
let passIndex = 0;
while ( passIndex < 5 )
while ( passIndex < 10 );
let fruitText = getFruitText( fruitNameArray );
let personArray =
new Person( 'Mike', 49, 85 ),
new Person( 'Luke', 30, 77 ),
new Person( 'John', 30, 72 )
( firstPerson, secondPerson ) =>
if ( firstPerson.age !== secondPerson.age )
return firstPerson.age - secondPerson.age;
return firstPerson.weight - secondPerson.weight;
catch ( error )
console.error( error.message );
let ageInterval = getAgeInterval( personArray );
<style lang="stylus">
font-size: 2rem;
color: #34628B;
font-size: 2.5rem;
color: #B24871;
color: #A80BC9;
color: #2C28B8;
font-size: 1.5rem;
font-weight: 700;
color: #2929BD;
<title>SvelteKit Sample</title>
{ book.title }
<p class="author">
Author: { book.author }
<input placeholder={ `Named ${ book.title }` } bind:value={ book.title }/>
<input placeholder={ `Written by ${ book.author }` } bind:value={ book.author }/>
<p class="book-text">
{@html bookText }
{#each numberArray as number }
<p class="number" in:fade>
Number : { number }
Doubled numbers: { doubledNumberArray.join( ', ' ) }
<p id="fruit-list" class="fruit-list">
Fruits: { fruitText }
{#each personArray as person }
<p class="person">
{ person.getHelloMessage() }
{ ageInterval.firstAge } - { ageInterval.lastAge }
import { getMapByCode, logError } from 'senselogic-gist';
import { databaseService } from './database_service';
class CountryService
this.cachedCountryArray = null;
this.cachedCountryArrayTimestamp = 0;
this.cachedCountryByCodeMap = null;
async getCountryArray(
let { data, error } =
await databaseService.getClient()
.from( 'COUNTRY' )
if ( error !== null )
logError( error );
return data;
// ~~
async getCountryByCode(
let { data, error } =
await databaseService.getClient()
.from( 'COUNTRY' )
.eq( 'code', countryCode );
if ( error !== null )
logError( error );
if ( data !== null )
return data[ 0 ];
return null;
this.cachedCountryArray = null;
this.cachedCountryByCodeMap = null;
// ~~
async getCachedCountryArray(
if ( this.cachedCountryArray === null
|| Date.now() > this.cachedCountryArrayTimestamp + 300000 )
this.cachedCountryArray = await this.getCountryArray();
this.cachedCountryArrayTimestamp = Date.now();
this.cachedCountryByCodeMap = null;
return this.cachedCountryArray;
// ~~
async getCachedCountryByCodeMap(
if ( this.cachedCountryByCodeMap === null
|| Date.now() > this.cachedCountryArrayTimestamp + 300000 )
this.cachedCountryByCodeMap = getMapByCode( await this.getCachedCountryArray() );
return this.cachedCountryByCodeMap;
// ~~
async addCountry(
let { data, error } =
await databaseService.getClient()
.from( 'COUNTRY' )
.insert( country );
if ( error !== null )
logError( error );
return data;
// ~~
async setCountryByCode(
let { data, error } =
await databaseService.getClient()
.from( 'COUNTRY' )
.update( country )
.eq( 'code', countryCode );
if ( error !== null )
logError( error );
return data;
// ~~
async removeCountryByCode(
let { data, error } =
await databaseService.getClient()
.from( 'COUNTRY' )
.eq( 'code', countryCode );
if ( error !== null )
logError( error );
return data;
export let countryService
= new CountryService();
// -- TYPES
class Property
final String
final double
final String
final double
final String
final List<String>
final Map<String, String>
required this.id,
required this.number,
required this.city,
required this.country,
required this.title,
required this.description,
required this.price,
required this.imagePath,
required this.imagePathArray,
required this.propertyByNameMap
bool operator==(
Object other
if ( identical( this, other ) )
return true;
other is Property
&& other.id == id;
Property copyWith(
String? id,
double? number,
String? city,
String? country,
String? title,
String? description,
double? price,
String? imagePath,
List<String>? imagePathArray,
Map<String, String>? propertyByNameMap
return Property(
id: id ?? this.id,
number: number ?? this.number,
city: city ?? this.city,
country: country ?? this.country,
title: title ?? this.title,
description: description ?? this.description,
price: price ?? this.price,
imagePath: imagePath ?? this.imagePath,
imagePathArray: imagePathArray ?? this.imagePathArray,
propertyByNameMap: propertyByNameMap ?? this.propertyByNameMap
// ~~
factory Property.fromMap(
Map<String, dynamic> map
return Property(
id: map[ 'id' ],
number: map[ 'number' ],
city: map[ 'city' ],
country: map[ 'country' ],
title: map[ 'title' ],
description: map[ 'description' ],
price: map[ 'price' ],
imagePath: map[ 'imagePath' ],
imagePathArray: List<String>.from( map[ 'imagePathArray' ] ),
propertyByNameMap: Map<String, String>.from( map[ 'propertyByNameMap' ] )
// ~~
Map<String, dynamic> toMap(
'id': id,
'number': number,
'city': city,
'country': country,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'price': price,
'imagePath': imagePath,
'imagePathArray': imagePathArray,
'propertyByNameMap': propertyByNameMap
// ~~
String toString(
return 'Property { id: $id, number: $number, city: $city, country: $country, title: $title, description: $description, price: $price, imagePath: $imagePath, imagePathArray: $imagePathArray, propertyByNameMap: $propertyByNameMap }';
// ~~
int get hashCode
return id.hashCode;
import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'package:senselogic_gist/senselogic_gist.dart';
import '../state/view_properties_state.dart';
import '../storage/storage.dart';
import '../store/view_properties_store.dart';
// -- TYPES
class ViewPropertiesPageState
extends State<ViewPropertiesPage>
late final ViewPropertiesStore
void initState(
propertyListStore = ViewPropertiesStore();
// ~~
Widget build(
BuildContext context
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text( 'Property Details' ),
actions: [
icon: const Icon( Icons.home ),
onPressed: ()
context.go( '/' );
icon: const Icon( Icons.login ),
onPressed: ()
context.go( '/signin' );
icon: const Icon( Icons.person_add ),
onPressed: ()
context.go( '/signup' );
body: BlocConsumer<ViewPropertiesStore, ViewPropertiesState>(
bloc: propertyListStore,
( context, state )
( context, state )
if ( state is ViewPropertiesInitialState )
return const Text( 'Initial' );
else if ( state is ViewPropertiesLoadingState )
return const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator() );
if ( state is ViewPropertiesErrorState )
return Center( child: Text( state.error ) );
else if ( state is ViewPropertiesLoadedState )
physics: const ScrollPhysics(),
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: state.propertyList.length,
( context, index )
property = state.propertyList[ index ];
return ListTile(
title: Text( getLocalizedText( property.title ) ),
leading: CachedNetworkImage(
imageUrl: getStorageImagePath( property.imagePath, 640 ),
placeholder: ( context, url ) => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
errorWidget: ( context, url, error ) => const Icon( Icons.error )
onTap: () => context.go( '/property/${ property.id }' ),
return const Icon( Icons.error );
// ~~
class ViewPropertiesPage
extends StatefulWidget
const ViewPropertiesPage(
ViewPropertiesPageState createState(
return ViewPropertiesPageState();
Use American English everywhere.
initializeColor(); moveForward();
Use the English language order in compound identifiers.
enemyListByCategoryDictionary = getEnemyListByCategoryDictionary();
Use the meter as the default distance unit.
Use the second as the default time unit.
Use four spaces instead of tabulations, to make the code independent of the editor settings.
Use Unix line endings.
Trim trailing whitespace on save.
Choose short meaningful identifiers for class, attribute, method, constant and variable names, to prevent ambiguity and cognitive load.
Use standard prefixes :
- first, last, post
- prior, next
- sub, super, base
- initial, final
- old, new
- backward, forward
- left, right
- back, front
- bottom, top
- minimum, maximum
- lower, higher, upper
- horizontal, vertical
- local, global
Use standard suffixes :
- Index, Count
- Array (in JavaScript), List (in Dart), Map
- Code, Name, Text, Time, Path
- Id, Uuid, Tuid
Use standard verbs :
- initialize, update, finalize
- create, release, destroy
- build, apply
- clear, fill
- reset, set, get, find
- is, has
- add, remove
- addFirst, removeFirst
- addLast, removeLast
- start, stop
- begin, end
- enter, exit
- open, close
- read, write
- load, save
- pause, resume
- lock, unlock
- attach, detach
- enable, disable
- select, deselect
- activate, deactivate
- increment, decrement
- increase, decrease
- compress, decompress
- connect, disconnect
- send, receive
- grant, revoke
Name your types (classes, structures, enumerations, etc) in PascalCase without articles, and declare the base class on the next line.
class TankShell extends Bullet { Vector3 positionVector; Quaternion rotationQuaternion; ... }
Name your type members (methods, attributes, constants, etc) in camelCase, without articles.
shootShell( muzzle.positionVector, muzzle.rotationQuaternion );
Name your local variables and method parameters in camelCase, without articles.
void shootShell( Vector3 shellPositionVector, Quaternion shellRotationQuaternion ) { TankShell shotTankShell; ... shotTankShell = new TankShell( shellPositionVector, shellRotationQuaternion ); ... }
Do not use abbreviations or single-letter variables.
Tank findTank( int tankIdentifier, int firstTankIndex, int postTankIndex ) { int tankIndex; for ( tankIndex = firstTankIndex; tankIndex < postTankIndex; // no i, j, n, etc ++tankIndex ) { if ( tankArray[ tankIndex ].identifier == tankIdentifier ) { return tankArray[ tankIndex ]; } } return null; }
Avoid acronyms, and capitalize them in member names.
DatabaseUrl databaseUrl;
If a variable name collides with a predefined identifier, simply add a trailing underscore.
Class class_; class_ = new Class();
Use a noun or noun phrase for classes, constants, attributes and variable names.
Include the meaningful part of the class name in attribute and variable names.
Dictionary<string, Player> activePlayerDictionary; List<Enemy> closeEnemyList; Tank[] enemyTankArray; Vector3 initialShellPositionVector, tankVelocityVector; void shootShell( ) { Shell lastShotShell, shotShell; ... }
Start method names with a verb in the imperative mood (Set, Get, Find, ...).
Start boolean inquiry names with a verb in the indicative mood (Is, Has, Can, ...).
Declare the method parameters in the same order as in the method name.
bool findPlayerIndexByName( ref int playerIndex, string playerName ) { ... }
Use a positive affirmation for boolean variable and attribute names.
if ( gameIsPaused ) { ... }
If an attribute name starts like its owner class name, omit the common prefix.
class Tank { TankShell[] shellArray; bool isDamaged; void shootShell( TankShell tankShell ) { ... } }
Align matching braces.
bool canShoot( ) { return shotShellCount < maximumShellCount; } // ~~ void shootShell( Vector3 initialVelocityVector ) { ... }
Use braces for single statement blocks.
if ( loadedAmmunitionCount > 0 ) { shootBullet(); } else if ( carriedAmmunitionCount > 0 ) { reloadWeapon(); } else { noAmmunitionSound.play(); }
Declare each attribute, variable and method parameter name on a separate line.
int tankCount, tankIndex;
Group local variables of the same type, and sort the declarations by ascending types (lowercase, then PascalCase, then SCREAMING_CASE) and variable names, so that the declaration of a variable can be located at a glance.
int shellCount, shellIndex, tankCount, tankIndex; string playerName, targetName; CharacterController characterController; NavMeshAgent navigationMeshAgent; Tank enemyTank; Tank[] enemyTankArray;
Split complex statements and expressions on several lines if they contain boolean operators or if they become too wide.
When splitting an expression on several lines, start the next lines with an operator and align it with the start of its left operand (or else indent it by 4 spaces).
if ( ( tower.getDistance( towerTarget, weaponType ) > tower.maximumShootingDistance ) || ( tankDistance > maximum distance && tankHealth > 0.5 ) ) { ... } let shellHitsTower = ( ( tower.getDistance( towerTarget, weaponType ) > tower.maximumShootingDistance ) || ( tankDistance > maximum distance && tankHealth > 0.5 ) );
To ease code indentation, if the multiline expression starts with a bracket or a function call, the assignment operator can alternatively be put at the end of the first line :
<div on:handleShot= { ( shot ) => { let shellHitsTower = ( ( tower.getDistance( towerTarget, weaponType ) > tower.maximumShootingDistance ) || ( tankDistance > maximum distance && tankHealth > 0.5 ) ); } } > </div>
Favor indexed iterations over foreach iterations, and foreach iterations over functional iterations.
for ( enemyIndex = 0; enemyIndex < enemyList.count; ++enemyIndex ) { ... } foreach ( Enemy enemy in enemyList ) { ... }
Put the scalar or constant multiplier after the multiplicand expression.
averageValue = ( firstValue + secondValue ) * 0.5f;
Add exactly one space :
- after
- before
- after
... - around operators.
- after
Add exactly one empty line :
- around standard comments;
- after the local variable declarations;
- after the method preconditions;
- between
and the prior statement; - between
and the next statement.
Use standard file extensions.
- C# : cs
- C : c, h
- C++ : cpp, hpp
- JavaScript : js
- HTML : html
- CSS : css
Declare one class per source code file.
Use the class name in lowercase as file name.
tank_shell.cpp tank_shell.hpp
Group the class elements by category, and declare them in this order :
- Imports.
- Types.
- Constants.
- Attributes.
- Constructors.
- Destructor.
- Operators.
- Inquiries : methods which do not change the class attributes.
- Operations : methods which may change the class attributes.
Within a category, declare :
- the called methods before the calling methods, preferably in the order they will be called, so that the class code can be immediately understood by a single sequential read.
- the static members after the non-static members.
Import exactly what each file needs to be compiled independently, and nothing more.
Sort the imports by ascending names.
Declare code sections in this order :
- imports
- constants
- types
- variables
- functions
- statements
Delimitate code sections with standard comments.
// -- IMPORTS ... // -- CONSTANTS ... // -- TYPES class Name { // -- CONSTANTS ... // -- ATTRIBUTES ... // -- CONSTRUCTORS ... // -- DESTRUCTOR ... // -- OPERATORS ... // -- INQUIRIES ... // -- OPERATIONS ... } // -- VARIABLES ... // -- FUNCTIONS ... // -- STATEMENTS ...
Do not use standard comments for empty sections.
Align multiple lines comments with the surrounding statements, start them with an uppercase character and end them with a period.
/* A long explanation which must be written on several lines. */ ...
Align single line comments with the surrounding statements, start them with an uppercase character and end them with a period.
// A short explanation which can be written on a single line. ...
Put end of line comments exactly four spaces after the statement, and start them with lowercase character.
doSomethingWeird(); // a short explanation
Name the unit test class by simply adding a
suffix to the class name.
- Use the string slice() method instead of substring().
Use double quotes for string literals.
Name your ids and classes in kebab-case, without articles.
Start modifier classes with a verb in the indicative mood (is-, has-, ...).
// -- CLASSES .is-hidden { display: none !important; } .button { ... } .button.is-active { ... } .button.is-selected { ... }
Use :
- unitless values for line heights.
- rem values for font sizes and all other static sizes.
- px values only for tiny static sizes, like 1 or 2 pixels.
- %, vh, vw, vmin and vmax values for dynamic sizes.
- zero or one decimal in your sizes (0.9rem, 1.2vh), unless you absolutely need more precision (0.75rem, 1.25rem).
Group rules by category, and declare them in this order :
- Imports
- Constants
- Variables
- Functions
- Mixins
- Fonts
- Elements
- Classes
Delimitate those sections with standard comments.
// -- IMPORTS ... // -- CONSTANTS ... // -- VARIABLES ... // -- FUNCTIONS ... // -- MIXINS ... // -- FONTS ... // -- ELEMENTS ... // -- CLASSES ...
Order rules by increasing interiority, appearance order, and specificity.
For a same base selector class, declare rules in this order :
- @keyframe class-animation
- .class
- .class:not()
- .class:first-child
- .class:nth-child()
- .class:last-child
- .class:hover
- .class:focus
- .class:active
- .class:invalid
- .class:before
- .class:after
- .class:placeholder-shown
- .class::placeholder
- .class ~ .other-class
- .class + .other-class
- .class > .other-class
- .class .other-class
- .class#id
- .class.other-class
Declare concatenated specifiers in this order :
- element
- #id
- .class
- :not()
- :first-child
- :nth-child()
- :last-child
- :hover
- :focus
- :active
- :invalid
- :before
- :after
- :placeholder-shown
- ::placeholder
Declare media queries inside the rule using the "+Media" mixin, right after the declarations, and order them by increasing breakpoint.
.class { ... @media ( min-width: 40em ) { ... } @media ( min-width: 60em ) { ... } }
Group declarations by category :
- Inheritance
- Position
- Container
- Layout
- Content
- Typography
- Behavior
Delimitate declaration sections with a blank line.
.header-menu { z-index: 100; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 1rem; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: transparent; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; +Media( min-width-40em ) { padding: 2rem; } +Media( min-width-60em ) { padding: 3rem; } }
Declare properties in this order :
- Inheritance
- @extend
- Position
- z-index
- position
- top
- bottom
- left
- right
- transform-origin
- transform
- scale
- rotate
- translate
- Container
- container-type
- overflow
- overflow-y
- overflow-x
- box-sizing
- scrollbar-width
- inset
- margin
- margin-block
- margin-block-start
- margin-block-end
- margin-inline
- margin-inline-start
- margin-inline-end
- margin-top
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin-right
- outline
- height
- min-height
- max-height
- width
- min-width
- max-width
- aspect-ratio
- border
- border-top
- border-bottom
- border-left
- border-right
- border-width
- border-style
- border-color
- border-image
- border-radius
- border-top-radius
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-bottom-radius
- border-bottom-left-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-collapse
- padding
- padding-top
- padding-bottom
- padding-left
- padding-right
- Layout
- display
- flex
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
- flex-flow
- grid-template
- grid-template-rows
- grid-template-columns
- grid-template-areas
- grid-auto-rows
- grid-gap
- gap
- row-gap
- column-gap
- grid-area
- grid-row
- grid-column
- justify-content
- justify-items
- justify-self
- align-content
- align-items
- align-self
- order
- float
- clear
- columns
- column-count
- column-width
- column-span
- column-fill
- column-gap
- column-rule
- column-rule-width
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-color
- shape-outside
- clip-path
- object-fit
- Content
- content
- visibility
- opacity
- background
- background-clip
- background-color
- background-image
- background-origin
- background-position
- background-repeat
- background-size
- background-attachment
- mask
- mask-clip
- mask-composite
- mask-image
- mask-mode
- mask-origin
- mask-position
- mask-repeat
- mask-size
- box-shadow
- filter
- backdrop-filter
- Typography
- list-style-type
- direction
- writing-mode
- text-orientation
- line-height
- font
- font-family
- font-size
- font-size-adjust
- font-optical-sizing
- font-weight
- font-style
- font-stretch
- font-kerning
- font-language-override
- font-feature-settings
- font-variant
- font-variant
- font-variant-alternates
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-variant-emoji
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-position
- font-variation-settings
- hyphens
- white-space
- overflow-wrap
- word-wrap
- word-break
- word-spacing
- letter-spacing
- caption-side
- vertical-align
- text-align
- text-align-last
- text-indent
- text-justify
- text-overflow
- text-decoration
- text-decoration-line
- text-decoration-style
- text-decoration-color
- text-transform
- text-shadow
- color
- Behavior
- resize
- scroll-behavior
- scroll-snap-type
- scroll-snap-points-y
- scroll-snap-points-x
- user-select
- pointer-events
- cursor
- transition
- transition-property
- transition-delay
- transition-duration
- transition-timing-function
- animation
- animation-name
- animation-delay
- animation-duration
- animation-timing-function
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-direction
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-play-state
- Media queries (of increasing breakpoint size)
- Inheritance
Write color literals in UPPERCASE.
background-color: #C8C8C8;
Declare Stylus constants in camelCase.
redColor = #F87272; redColor100 = darken( redColor, 80% );
Declare SCSS constants in kebab-case.
$red-color: #F87272; $red-color-100: mix( $red-color, #000000, 80% );
Use double quotes for string literals.
Use single quotes inside double-quoted string literals.
Declare tag attributes in this order :
- id
- class sorted by increasing specificity, but ending with the modifier classes
- style sorted as explained above
- data-* in alphabetical order
- tag-specific attributes (src, href, etc) in alphabetical order
- on* in alphabetical order
<div id="header-menu-home-button" class="button scaled-button header-menu-button header-menu-home-button is-active is-selected is-hidden" style="margin-left: auto; background-image: url( '/static/image/header_menu/home_button.svg' )" data-view-name="home" onclick="ShowView( 'home' )"> ... </div>
- Use the following order in Svelte components :
- script section
- style section
- HTML section
- Routes are written in kebab-case.
- Local files routes start by /local/.
- Uploaded files routes start by /upload/.
- CDN files routes start by /global/.
- Administration routes start by /admin/.
- API routes start by /api/.
- Page data routes use the POST verb.
- Assets are organized and named with the same care as code variables, using clear, unambiguous file and folder names in snake_case.
- File names are normalized to include only the following characters: letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, and dots.
- Documents are stored in a document/ subfolder, images in an image/ subfolder, and videos in a video/ subfolder, ideally named after the page to which they belong.
- User-specific files are stored in a user/{profile_id}/ subfolder.
- Uploaded images are saved with a millisecond timestamp suffix added to the end of their file name and kept in their original format or converted to a lossless AVIF file format.
- Local and uploaded original raster images are automatically converted to highly optimized AVIF files at all the resolutions in which they are actually used :
- image_name.360.avif (nano placeholder at 30% quality)
- image_name.480.avif (tiny 1/4 width at 55% quality)
- image_name.640.avif (small 1/3 width at 55% quality)
- image_name.960.avif (medium 1/2 width at 55% quality)
- image_name.1280.avif (wide 2/3 width at 55% quality)
- image_name.1920.avif (large 1x width at 55% quality)
- image_name.2560.avif (big 4/3 width at 55% quality)
- image_name.3840.avif (huge 2x width at 55% quality)
- Images are resized to match the target width while preserving the original aspect ratio, with the target height limited to twice the original width.
- Both the original and re-encoded images share the same relative path and file label.
- The website must use only the optimized images stored on the CDN, at the smallest appropriate resolution.
- A preloaded low-resolution placeholder image should be displayed while the high-resolution image loads.
- Database paths do not specify resolutions :
- /local/path/to/image_name.avif
- /global/path/to/image_name.avif
Eric Pelzer (ecstatic.coder@gmail.com).
This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.
See the LICENSE.md file for details.