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A MATLAB-style command line matrix calculator which supported matrix operations including:

(1) In-time matrix definition.Including functions of eye(row, col), rand(row, col), zeros(row, col) and direct bracket [] definition.

(2) Matrix operations: arithmetic(+-*/%), power(^) and determinant calculations(det), transpose(M'), round(round(M)), sum up(sum(M)).

(3) Submatrix retrieve: e.g. A(1:2, :)

(4) Vector operations: dot product(dot(A, B)), norm (norm(A)) and inner angle between two vectors (angle(A, B)).

(5) Function and matrix name matching: e.g. rand(2, 2) will call random creator; A will search for stored matrix named "A" and print its values.

I uploaded a executable file(MatrixCalculator.exe) so that you do not need to build it yourself.