
A simple vagrant machine with some basic installation to test the deployment of sententiaregum.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Deployment Testing VM for Sententiaregum

What is it?

This repository contains a testing VM which will be used in order to test the deployment of Sententiaregum.

The Vagrantfile contains a basic setup and the setup.sh can be used as example that shows what's needed for the server.

Required software

The provisioner installs the following software onto a basebox with Ubuntu Xenial LTS (bento/ubuntu-16.04):

  • PHP 7 (including PDO, Mbstring, XML and Zip (required by composer)
  • The latest composer version
  • A MySQL database
  • Redis
  • NodeJS 6 + NPM
  • Webpack, Less and node-gyp
  • Builds the /var/www/sententiaregum directory and makes it accessible for the vagrant user.