
API to retrieve training data, create X matrix, and perform feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, training, and model testing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


API to retrieve training data, create X matrix, and perform feature selection, hyperparameter tuning, training, and model testing.

Setup and Installation (for development)

  1. Set up SSH
  2. Install pyenv and poetry.
  3. Install package
git clone git@github.com:SenteraLLC/geoml.git
cd geoml
pyenv install $(cat .python-version)
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry env use $(cat .python-version)
poetry install
  1. Set up pre-commit to ensure all commits to adhere to black and PEP8 style conventions.
poetry run pre-commit install


  • A GitHub release is created on every push to the main branch using the create_github_release.yml Github Action Workflow
  • Releases can be created manually through the GitHub Actions UI as well.
  • The name of the Release/Tag will match the value of the version field specified in pyproject.toml
  • Release Notes will be generated automatically and linked to the Release/Tag

Setup and Installation (used as a library)

If using geoml as a dependency in your script, simply add it to the pyproject.toml in your project repo.

geoml = { git = "https://github.com/SenteraLLC/geoml.git", branch = "main"}

Install geoml and all its dependencies via poetry install.

poetry install

Environment Variables

geoml requires a direct connection to a PostgreSQL database to read and write data. It is recommended to store database connection credentials as environment variables. One way to do this is to create an .env (and/or and .envrc) file within your project directory that includes the necessary enviroment variables.

Note .env sets environment variables for IPyKernel/Jupyter, and .envrc sets environment variables for normal python console.


export DB_NAME=db_name
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_USER=analytics_user
export DB_PASSWORD=secretpassword
export DB_PORT=5432

export SSH_HOST=bastion-lt-lb-<HOST_ID>.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
export SSH_USER=<ssh_user>
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=<path/to/.ssh/id_rsa>
export SSH_DB_HOST=<analytics.<DB_HOST_ID>.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com>

Usage Example

Step 1

Establish a connection to DBHandler for owner's schema. Note that this assumes all the necessary tables have been loaded into the owner's database schema already.

from os import getenv
from db import DBHandler

owner = "css-farms-pasco"
db_name = getenv("DB_NAME")
db_host = getenv("DB_HOST")
db_user = getenv("DB_USER")
password = getenv("DB_PASSWORD")
db_schema = owner.replace("-", "_")
db_port = db_utils.ssh_bind_port(

db = DBHandler(

Step 2

Edit configuration settings to train to model as you wish:

from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import json

import numpy as np
from sklearn.compose import TransformedTargetRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold, train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer

with open("geoml/config.json") as f:
    config_dict = json.load(f)

config_dict["FeatureData"]["date_train"] = datetime.now().date()
config_dict["FeatureData"]["cv_method"] = train_test_split
config_dict["FeatureData"]["cv_method_kwargs"]["stratify"] = 'df[["owner", "year"]]'
config_dict["FeatureData"]["cv_method_tune"] = RepeatedStratifiedKFold

config_dict["FeatureSelection"]["model_fs"] = Lasso()
config_dict['FeatureSelection']['n_feats'] = 12

config_dict["Training"]["regressor"] = TransformedTargetRegressor(
    transformer=PowerTransformer(copy=True, method="yeo-johnson", standardize=True),
config_dict["Training"]["param_grid"]["alpha"] = list(np.logspace(-4, 0, 5))
config_dict["Training"]["scoring"] = (

config_dict["Predict"]["date_predict"] = datetime.now().date()
config_dict["Predict"]["dir_out_pred"] = "/mnt/c/Users/Tyler/Downloads"

Step 3

Create Training instance (which loads data and performs feature selection) and train the model:

from geoml import Training

train = Training(config_dict=config_dict)

Step 4

Grab an estimator to make predictions with:

from geoml import Predict

date_predict = date_master.date()
year = date_predict.year
config_dict['Predict']['train'] = train
config_dict['Predict']['primary_keys_pred'] = {
    'owner': 'css-farms-pasco',
    'farm': 'adams',
    'field_id': 'adams-e',
    'year': 2022

estimator = train.df_test.loc[
    train.df_test[train.df_test['feat_n'] == config_dict['FeatureSelection']['n_feats']].index,
feats_x_select = train.df_test.loc[
    train.df_test[train.df_test['feat_n'] == config_dict['FeatureSelection']['n_feats']].index,

predict = Predict(

Step 5

Make a prediction for each field and save output as a geotiff raster:

from os import chdir
import satellite.utils as sat_utils

chdir(preds_dir)  # predict_functions helper functions are located here
field_bounds = db.get_table_df('field_bounds', year=year)

dir_out_pred = config_dict["Predict"]["dir_out_pred"]
date_predict = config_dict["Predict"]["date_predict"]
for idx, row in field_bounds.iterrows():
    pkeys = {
        "owner": row["owner"],
        "farm": row["farm"],
        "field_id": row["field_id"],
        "year": row["year"],
    array_pred, profile = predict.predict(
    name_out = "petiole-no3-ppm_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_raw.tif".format(
    fname_out = os.path.join(
        dir_out_pred, "by_date",
        array_pred, profile, fname_out, driver="Gtiff", keep_xml=False

Here is an example raster loaded into QGIS. We can see the spatial variation in predicted petiole nitrate: Alt text


There are multiple classes that work together to perform all the necessary steps for training supervised regression estimators. Here is a brief summary:


Tables loads in all the available tables that might contain data to build the X matrices for training and testing (X_train and X_test). If a PostgreSQL database is available, this can be connected by passing the appropriate credentials. The public/user functions derive new data feautes from the original data to be added to the X matrices for explaining the response variable being predicted.


FeatureData inherits from Tables, and executes the ppropriate joins among tables (according to the group_feats variable) to actually construct the X matrices for training and testing (X_train and X_test).


FeatureSelection inherits from FeatureData, and carries out all tasks related to feature selection before model tuning, training, and prediction. The information garnered from FeatureSelection is quite simply all the parameters required to duplicate a given number of features, as well as its cross-validation results (e.g., features used, ranking, training and validation scores, etc.).


Training inherits from an instance of FeatureSelection and consists of functions to carry out the hyperparameter tuning and chooses the most suitable hyperparameters for each unique number of features. Testing is then performed using the chosen hyperparameters and results recorded, then each estimator (i.e., for each number of features) is fit using the full dataset (i.e., train and test sets), being sure to use the hyperparameters and features selected from cross validation. After Training.train() is executed, each trained estimator is stored in Training.df_test under the "regressor" column. The full set of estimators (i.e., for all feature selection combinations, with potential duplicate estimators for the same number of features) is stored in Training.df_test_full. These estimators are fully trained and cross validated, and can be safely distributed to predict new observations. Care must be taken to ensure information about input features is tracked (not only the number of features, but specifications) so new data can be preocessed to be ingested by the estimator to make new predictions. Also note that care must be taken to ensure the cross-validation strategy (indicated via cv_method, cv_method_kwargs, and cv_split_kwargs) is suitable for your application and that it does not inadvertenly lead to model overfitting - for this reason, multiple cross-validation methods are encouraged.


Predict inherits from an instance of Training, and consists of variables and functions to make predictions on new data with the previously trained models. Predict accesses the appropriate data from the connected database to make predictions (e.g., as_planted, weather, sentinel reflectance images, etc.), and a prediction is made for each observation via the features in the feature set.