Hi Guys,

             I have designed my own framework (Baby Framework). I hope this would be very helpful for selenium beginners.  Attached documents contain totally “60 steps”.  Please try to follow the step by step process. Finally I am assuring that you can build your own Framework. PFA diagrammatic structure of BABY Framework (BABYFRAMEWORK.png)


1)      Excel data driven

2)      XML data driven

3)      Property file

4)      Report generation JUNIT with Ant.

5)      Execution support both RC and Web Driver

6)      Cross browser testing

Attachment contains the below documents

    BABY-01 to 25 Steps.zip
    BABY-26 to 36 Steps.zip
    BABY-37 to 60 Steps.zip

Please try to do step by step process (But make sure that the entire physical file path (.xml, .xls, ,txt) should be included in the selenium script)

Friends if you’re facing any problem in any step please let me know. I am very happy to help you at any moment.

Thanks for seeing my Baby Framework.



SenthilKumar P