Is IndelRealigner needed when calling somatic mutations
ysbioinfo opened this issue · 2 comments
ysbioinfo commented
Thanks for continuous efforts on updating Sentieon. I noted the example pipeline is kind of different from what I saw in the last year. If I remember correctly, previously, it is recommended to (1) realign the reads around indels (2) co-realignment of tumor and normal, and then run TNscope/TNhaplotyper/TNsnv. But now I see these steps are removed. My questions are:
- Should I follow the up-to-date example script without indel realignment?
- TNscope/TNhaplotyper/TNhaplotyper2/TNsnv, which one, from your experience, has the best performance and is recommended for mutation detection?
- I see in the new example scripts, there are some filtering on mutations using BCFtools. Do I need to modify the parameters to make them suitable for different sequencing depth (My data is 30X WGS, tumor-normal paired)
Thanks in advance!
haodongchen commented
Hi Yang,
- Indel realignment is optional. For the sake of simplicity, we removed these steps from the example scripts.
- We recommend TNscope and TNhaplotyper2. TNscope is more sensitive than the other callers but requires additional filters to remove false positives.
- Yes, the filter should be modified accordingly. Also, you can try TNhaplotyper2 for the 30x WGS tumor-normal paired.
Please feel free to contact if you need more help.
ysbioinfo commented
Hi Haodong,
Thanks for your reply! I'll take a try.