Netlify Status

Welcome, Everyone!👋 This is the codebase for SentinelWarren's, portfolio website.

Who am I? 👨‍💻

My name is Warren Kalolo, I manage IT infrastructures and develop software, ML models and WebApps based on different tech stacks, the main being; Python, Javascript | Typescript [Vue.js, Vuetify, React.js, Gatsby], HTML+CSS, C & Powershell. I am also a 3D artist hobbyist #TeamBlender3D #TeamUnity3D #TeamUnrealEngine.

Contributing 🤝

If you would like to contribute to the repository, please do go through the Contributing Guidelines on how to proceed.

Installation 🚀

Please follow the following steps in order to get the website running on your system.



  • Ensure prerequisites are successfully installed before proceeding.
  • Fork the repo using the button to the top right, then clone the fork.
  • Run the command npm install inside the cloned repo to install all the dependencies.
  • Run the command gatsby develop in order to start the website in development mode. By default, the server runs at localhost:8000.

Feel free to drop any ideas or suggestions as Feature Request issues! See any bug on your daily device? Please open a Bug Report Issue. With your help, I will be able to ensure that my portfolio remains bug-free!

Aksante for your interest! ❤